
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/10 18:28:43
Benjamin Jowett是什么意思 请给我介绍最近很好听的英文歌,中文也行吧 ,还有你自己认为很好听的即使老一点也没关系,给我完整的歌名和演唱人 连词组句:a,some,lucy's,they,to,other,for,party,want,birtday,duy,and,things,cake(.) 修改病句:they want to buy some other thing for my birthday party. 创建大学社团策划书怎么写格式怎样?最好给个范文.我们的社团是打算从商务英语这方面入手,把经济和英语结合起来,顺便帮我们社团起个名字 “Have you anything interesting I can read,George?” she said.这个问句问的对么?不是 Do you have anything interesting I can read?有 Have you anything...这样表达的么 大学社团举办活动,社团活动策划书怎么写? ''Have you anything interesting I can read,Georgr?''she said改为间接引语 大学社团招新策划书 “have you anything interesting i can read George" she said.改为间接引语说下为什么改为 asked George 而不是asked me __to wait for hours,she brought along a book to read.A.Expecete B.to expect C.Expect D.Expecting句意是什么?有人期待等待吗? 英文小品的剧本(带中文) 五人英语剧本(有中文) 求一个关于圣诞的剧本要英语的含中文要好点的很好的加20分要有创意 英语翻译US President Obama gave aTV speech to his country’s students on the frist day of school.He made it form a classroom in a high school.He told them to study as they could."No matter what you to want to do with your life,you'll need an edu 1we are.(have)a birthday party 2There.(be)a big cake 3He is giving Ben some.(flower)4There are lots of children at.(Ben)birthday party.5The football match is very.(excite) 6 He has many.(strawberry)inhis basket.7lt is the.(five)of October.8Tom.(come) 跟据首字母填词1.Alice's ring was lost and we all s___ that jack did it ,because he used to steal others' thing.    2.The teacher d___ the class into four groups to play that interesting game .3.The company is starting a new advertising 英语首字母填词题目What's a good friend like?One may have (d) answers to this question at different ages.When he is a (c),he thinks a good frind must stay with him all day.They can (p) with each other and eat with each other.If his friend doe 英语问题(首字母填词)1.Can you tell me the things I'm s________ to do when I meet my teacher?2.Well,we won't have any more d________ about it.You'd better make a quick decision now.3.You must ask for l________ if you want to leave early.4 九年级英语填词题It is Bill Gates who d----- the Microsoft program.好像填的词的意思是“设计”吧. I ate dinner when she came in.和I was eating dinner when she came in.有什么区别,用在什么时候? I came in when she was reading 为什么错了? 微信公众号是汉字还是数字 我今年23岁.我想学英语,可不知道该怎么学, 请将,.你的微信号码是多少?,翻译为英文? 请问有什么好的微信公众号,有关英语英语方面的. 在信中如何用英文教汉语用英文怎么教对方汉语的“how are you"? 英语书信 —— 告诉朋友关于如何学习汉语的.你的英国朋友Eric想来北京学习汉语,请给他写封信,告诉他如何学习汉语.要求:1. 用所给提示词语;2. 词数80左右.(提示词语:go to Chinese classes, mak My friends have a birthday party for me (用this evening 改写句子)My friends ( )( )( )have a party for me this evening . i want to have a party for my sister's ——birthday I want ____(have) a birthday party for my brother. 如何做英语首字母填词啊?我一做那些难度大的英语首字母填词就完全没办法动笔我们老师说要联系上下文推敲但我就是想不出来要填什么啊啊我一般想得出来要填什么词性的词也知道要用什