
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:58:31
It is easier young people English.A.to,learn B.to,to learn C.for,to learn it is easier for younger people to get divorced 请问这里divorc为什么用过去式类似于这样要用 过去式的 还有哪些 Trust is a feeling of life,is a noble sentiment,it is also a connecting link between people. the girl doesn't cry any more when she sees her mother 同义句the girl____ _____cries when she sees her mother it is easier,if less rewarding,to worry than to be an active,involved person.全句翻译:很明显,和做一个积极的、全身心投入的人相比,有所担心比较容易做到,只不过它于事无补.if less rewarding为什么会翻译成 The little girl cried no more and began to smile.(改为同义句)The little girl______cry______and began to smile. she no more cried的同义句如题she___cry___一空一词 she no more cried.(改为同义句) 以why do we go to university?为题的英语作文急用,还请多多帮忙. 谁帮我写一篇叫“Why do you go to College”的英语作文啊!谢谢,一百字以下就OK 话题为“上大学的重要性” 以 "Why Is It So Important to Go to College?"为题 的英语作文要点如下 1.获取知识 2.追求梦想 3.结交朋友 4.树立正确的人生观 价值观 80到100词 Which university do you want to go?Why?口语回答 不用太长 Who is the man over there?It's Mr.Black.He is friend of__.A my fatherB her C my father‘s D me选择哪个啊. when is your birthday同义句When is your birthday?的同义句我写What’s your birth of date?What's your___ ___ ___?必须这个句型! When is your birthday?怎么回答 when is your birthday? When is your birthday?(用英语回答) In the USA,some people would ask their friends to give money to charity____buy them gifts.A.instead of B.more than C.as well as D.rather than 英语翻译rt 英语翻译People who are close to family and friends are happier than people who don't have those relationships. 急求一篇英语作文120字左右!I learn in college题目是How I learn in college 有哪位有心人能帮我找篇英文文章, I have my homework why have there been so many (某种现象)这句话错了吗?我们老师说这是中国式英语语法完全错误why have there been so many ghost writersNowadays,there are more and more [某种现象] in [某种场合].It is estimated that [相关 there far been many so in this trees have park 的连词成句 I like Beijing very much and I(have been)there many times.考的知识点? 他们在玩玩具用英语怎么税 we,at,usually,ten,go,bed,to 怎么连词成句? How many subjects do we learn learn?这句什么意思啊? I usually go to bed (at ten).就划括号分提问.— — —You usually go to bed.一横线一词. we have many subjects,such as the Chinese ,English,math,history.I like English most 这句有什么错误?Let's go out for a meal ine of these days.怎么翻译i like english best. .—I think the man over there must be Bob. -- It_______ be him. He has______ to Australia.39. .—I think the man over there must be Bob. -- It_______ be him. He has______ to Australia. A. can’t, gone B. can’t, been C. may not, been D