
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 23:39:52
找出读音不同的单词:—.圈出括号部分发音与众不同的单词:bo{th} {th}ese smoo{th}dog{s} hoop{s} wake{s}man{y} fl{y} thirt{y}s{ch}ool cat{ch} tea{ch}erl{i}brary cl{i}nic b{i} 圈出读音不同的单词:t{oo}th sm{oo}th g{oo}dm{a}ke t{a}ke ch{a}nnelf{i}nd w{i}nd f{i}nec{o}me m{o}vie s{o}me{e}nd {e}vening wh{e}nc{ou}ld c{ou}nt ab{ou}t改句,将下面这句改成现在 他去年上不了大学 he_________ last year 英语翻译 去年我有一段很不寻常的经历 英文翻译 I () a very()() last year 我叫雪迎,想起个音似的英文名 与“雪”发音相近的英文名与中文汉字“冉”或“雪”发音相似的英文名字.要标出其特定的含义,多多益善.或是与“萱”字谐音相似的 想起个英文名字 发音和中文“姜雪平”或“雪平”发音相似的 Was it during the Second World War____he die?A:thatB:in which为什么选A啊? In Europe many people died during the Second World War.As a result,at the end of the war there were many orphans there.A man called Hermann Gmeiner wanted to help these children.His idea was simple.He wanted orphans to have a home.And he wanted them 一道单选:Was it during the Second Word WarWas it during the Second Word War____he died? whichD.then为什么不选C带进去的时候he died in the Second World War 那个during 也要带进去?A选项的that是把during也带 During the time of the Second War,a women ...完形填空 Was it during the Second World War_____ he died? she is in the Reading Club 的同义句 她似乎上周参加了象棋俱乐部_____ _____ _____ she joined the chess club last week. she goes to the Reading Club with Ann.对Ann提问 Anne lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands during World War II.为什么要加the啊.不是地名前不能加the的么.还有Her family was Jewish so they had to hide or they would be caught by the German Nazis.为什么German前要加the呢. Anne lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands中的不定冠词国家前面不是不加the吗,Netherlands是荷兰,为什么要加the,Amsterdam是荷兰的一个城市,城市前面固定不加the吗? “in Amsterdam”"in the Netherlands“有没有写错?为什么?Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹(荷兰)Netherlands 荷兰 荷兰首都-阿姆斯特丹简介 您是什么工程师呢?用英语怎么说 During the Second World War ,many people were fighting__freedom.a.againstb.forc./d.with In Europe ,many people died during the Second World War ,so at the end of the war ,therIn Europe ,many people died during the Second World War ,so at the end of the war ,there were many orphans .A man called Hermann Gmeiner wanted to help these child It was a wonder that ____little food saved____many lives during the war.为什么第一个是such呢 = =.不是little many表示数量时候前面都用so吗 How many _____ died in the Second World war? ( fight ) 完形填空 An old man lived in a nice house with 我要这个完型填空的答案The story happened in Vietnam during the war.A bomb 改错 This story happened during world war two The story happened in London before the second world warhappened 那里为什么不可以用 had happened 标准英语在英国被称为国王(女王)英语,在美国又被称为什么? 请问"为女王效力"英文应该怎么拼啊?就是英国公务信函上印有的那句话~谢谢 一平方的线,能承受多大的电流……?电流 英语发音求教我想问一下某些动词过去式要怎么发音,如Said,turned ,looked,passed之类的,像加上ed要怎么发,