
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 03:10:46
Can you think _a better way to solve the problem?填什么介词 what do you think of the way he thought of to solve this problem to solve 修饰 the way It is more helpful to teache a kid the way to solve a problem than tell him the solution directly.翻译 Can you tell me the best way___the problem?A.solve B.solved C.to solve D.solving can you tell me the s_____to solve this problem 快 The problem is easy to solve.为什么用to solveThe problem is easy (to solve).这句话里用的是to solve,为什么不能用to be solved或者直接用solved? Can you tell me the best way ____ (solve)the problem.这个空应该填什么 Tom doesn't' play the violin at present,but he ___it for almost ten years(play)用play的什么时态,过去还是现在完成, 求一些用英语写的校规,班规,越多越好!要有中文意思 制定8条校规或班规,英语的,明天要交作业的! 翻译:你认为我们的校规和班规怎么样?_____ do you _____ _____ our school rules and class rules 今天是星期天,天气晴朗,现在是下午4点,在巴川中学的操场上,学生们正在进行课外活动.提示;boys,girl,some...,some...others,basketbaii,football,volleyball,game,sports 如何区别一般过去时,过去完成时和过去将来时的宾语从句? 一般过去时宾语从句的特点是什么?过去完成时呢? 校有校规,班有班规,动物园有什么? 过去将来时引导的宾语从句,能举个例子吗? the way you thought of to solve the problem 中的to可以去掉吗?如果可以,请说明一下理由 过去将来时有没有不用宾语从句的情况呢,为什么非得用宾语从句啊 This is the best way___i have thought of___the problem.A.不填;to solve B.in which;solvingC.in which;to solve D.that;solving但是D为什么不行呢,thought of+v.ing,如果,第一个空填which,那么which可以省略吗? 一般过去将来时表示从过去的某一时间来看将来要发生的动作或存在的状态.过去将来时常用于宾语从句和间接 Do you have many problems with ___________(solve)it? You have you own way to solve the problem,______ ______?(反义疑问句)我是觉得don't you 和haven't you都可以, 求英语正确答案.It's cloudy today.You'd better take a(n)( )with you with when you go out.B.camera C.diary D.umbrella Myparents often tell me to do my homework by ( )(my).It ( )(be)rainy just now,but it( )(be) sunny now.Please w( )for me When you are traveling in a new place,you'd better find a g_____ with you 观国庆大阅兵有何感想?如果要写一篇作文要怎样写? 国庆节大阅兵看后感我要2000字的作文, 千金市骨中的通假字快 《千金市骨》第二段中有一个通假字是-----,它通----- 造成北京市城市中心区没有高大建筑物的主要因素是历史因素还是政治因素 中国共产党是如何探索出一条中国式革命道路(简要回答) 连词成句:here xiaoling`s better house pillows the ones in are the aren`t than they 北京的古城墙北京在( )、( )、( )等地方保留了古城墙,北京古城墙各是( )、( )、( )朝代的.从西直门乘环线地铁眼顺时针方向前进,先后经过老北京的( )、( )、( )、(