
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/28 16:32:55
peter ___________to escape from the prison,but he couldn't find a safe hiding place A.succeeded b.managed c.advised d.offered escape 和escape from有什么不同? 关于escape,escape from希望英语专业人士回答精确简练先给出几句例句:The soldier escaped from the enemy's prison.He traveled extensively to escape from boredom.We were lucky to escape being punished/escape punishment.He escaped t is a in this life can't escape from the prison 是什么意思?急.那句前面还有句:Love is like poppy。然后是is a in this life can't escape from the prison escape/escape fromThe man caught hold of the side of the lifeboat and narrowly escaped ______.A.being drowned D.from being drowned为什么不选B?理由 理由 给我理由啊 what s thirteen and five?要怎么回答 What's five and two?的意思 What`s two and five?怎么用英语回答? 带"冰雪''的成语都有什莫?最好是四字的,越多越好 万年冰雪是成语吗 有大地冰雪这个成语吗?雨响回声这个成语呢?搞错了,是雨过留声 用“miss”“be afraid of”“used to” “have to”“worry about”这五个词组造句(是英语句子)很急 escape from= from 英语词组 谁能帮我翻译这些英语短语并用其造句:used to,a number of,wait for,clean up,after school. He was at home yesterday.同义句转换He ( ) ( ) yesterday.中间只能有两个词 iphone有道词典怎么让他说出单词 T-MAC是谁的英文简写?T-MAC是NBA得分后位,麦迪的英文简写. What's five plus seven A.six B.twelve Csix o'clock 请问某些网游里的坐标Y或X是什么意思,是英文的缩写吗?如上 What's ten plus five?的中文意思? 成语中有成语,举例!四个字中就有人名. 成语举例子,各位请说说这样的成语:可以正反说的例如:万水千山-千山万水 请举例两个成语!解释这两个成语的意思(个别字的意思及整体意思),并找出这两个成语的出处、“典故”,最后用这两个成语造句!这两个成语需是不常见的成语 It threatened to surround him completely 新概念2册67课看不懂. It's time to i need to escape a time rain You want to escape to what time 关于生命轮回的灵异事件有很多 但我们又不能纯粹的下结论生命有轮回 但毕竟科学也无法解答 请各位发表下个人意见啊 我有点意见啊 什么叫迷信 什么叫科学 “秦岭横云”不要太随便了啊 生命轮回应该有其哲学道理吧一个生命的逝去标志了他不存在了,也可以这样说他长眠了,这样问题就出现了,他不会计较宇宙的寿命,他等得起,再有N次宇宙诞生和消亡的过程对他来说也是瞬间, 求生命轮回转世的书籍 初中生如何预习? 初中生预习高中理科该买哪几本教科书准备买高中课本预习,选理科,买哪几本教科书?PS.反正这些书迟早都要买,晚买不如早买理科除了学必修的课程,其它的选修数、物、化、生都一定要学的