
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 10:44:03
蔡依林《花蝴蝶》专辑每首歌介绍? 谁有东财10秋大学英语1在线作业答案Mary:Oh,you are wearing a beautiful dress!Helen:___________A.Oh,thanks.I got it yesterday.B.Sorry,it’s too cheap.C.You can have it.D.See you later.22.Bob:Would you like a cigarette?Jason:No,thank you. 东财10秋大学英语1在线作业答案1._________ the workers are unskilled.A.A number ofB.A quantity ofC.An amount ofD.The number of2.Tom:Hey,Jack,what’s up?Jack:____________A.Yes,definitely!B.Oh,not much.C.What is happening in your life?D.You 求一篇英文小短文一定要短! 英语人称代词表格 人称代词表格(题在下面)形容词性物主代词myouryourhisheritstheir名词性物主代词mineoursyourshishersitstheirs1.That is not ____ kite.That kite is very small,but _____ is very big.( I )2.The dress is _____.Give it to _______.( 求新东方梅晗的《雅思词汇胜经》mp3?求上传~ 求新东方雅思词汇乱序版mp3 求函数的二阶导数. 求这个函数的导数和二阶导数..(x平方+1)的导数怎么做 不太明白 仿写句子,两句呦人需要祝福,需要思念.如果一滴水代表一个祝福,我送你一个东海;————————,————————;————————,————————. 人称代词表格 求新东方雅思词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序版)mp3 求新东方雅思词汇乱序版MP3 和 雅思口语 基础训练 MP3 英语翻译你眼睛为什么这么大呢? 谁知道“Alice”事什么意思?怎么读? mouse加's怎么读?Alice's怎么读? Alice 音标怎么写 No one has put forward anything better than the plan now under consideration.翻译中文, No one has ____ anything better than the plan now under consideration. 翻译:since no better plan had been put forward,we had to adopt a basically workable one 国王用英文怎么说 “国王”用英文怎么说 alice怎么读 work意为作品的时候要不要加复数? 中国古代有没有皇帝会english或者会其他国家的语言 关于初中英语和语文的学习方法我现在上初二,数理都好,就两门差,一是英语,特别是英语,每次都考70多,好久没上80了,记忆力差得吓死人,一篇英语课文几周背不下来(还是短的那种).我在英语 find the most effective use of the time翻译 如何迅速提高初中英语,语文成绩?我现在初三了,是个典型的偏科生,马上要总复习了,尽管报了英语班成绩也是不见明显好转,英语,语文拉了我好多分.我也做练习册的.我也是会记单词语法,可是 Your car has been making a funny sound.Please ch____ the engine. There is noyhing w_______ with your car.It works well. -The engine of your car sounds a little strange - ,I will get it checked. A If so B If any (附上解析