
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/09 02:04:49
英语选择求解释floods and bad farming over the years have ruined a land that ______rich and made it terriblyA,was once B,had once been C,have once beenwhat do you think of the moviegood,the only pity is that I ________ the beginning of itA,have 英语选择...Could you tell meA where there's a drugstoreB when they would leave tomorrowC whether is it fine tomorrowD where is a bus stop 一道英语选择求解释The film Curse of the Golden Flower was made___on Cao Yu’s play Thunderstorm.A.base B.to be based C.based D.basing我知道这里考be based on但是我选b 我想 make 被动的话不是要加to吗?make do变成被动不 2道英语选择,1.What a pity!Michael jackson died on June 26,2009.So it is.Doctors said he ____breathing when they arrived.A.has stopped B stopped C had stopped D was stopping2.The movie ____for 20minutes when i got to the cinema.A .had started B h 英语选择. 英语选择,解析一下哦,谢谢!I am not happy because there are ______ rules and ________ homework at home. A. too many, too much B. too much, too many C. too many, too many D. too much, too much 谁来给我详解一下这几道英语选择为什么这么选. 把一外表不规则的实心小塑料先后放入盛有足够多的水和足够多的酒精的两个容器中,该塑料块所受到的浮力分别为0.9牛顿和0.8牛顿,已知水和酒精的密度分别是1000千克每米和0.8乘以十的立方, 1.氢气球和下面挂的吊篮总重100牛,受到的空气浮力为120牛,若氢气球是匀速上升的,则空气的阻力是_____牛.若要使氢气球以原来的速度的大小匀速下降(空气阻力的大小保持不变),则需在吊篮 书费用英语怎么说?RT 速求英语全阅读题一本,卖书地址,价格,亲. 他的书正在贩卖,英语怎么说? 大家来翻英语"大小不适合的衣服"英语怎么说? the dog,if____properly,_____a good hunting dog.a.had been trained...would have been madeb.trained...will maketo master a foreign language like english requires hard work,so you ___study too hard.a.can'tb.ought toc.shouldd.musn't我表示根本看不 1 .---How often do you visit your granny in the village?---I feel ashamed..A.Very often B.By accident C.Just once in a while D.All of a sudden 选哪个?问:①bcd 的意思②区别 2.After the argument,he spoke with the department man 英语翻译Inventions,discoveries,and scientific knowledge by themselves do not necessarily benefit be derived.此话怎讲?什么样的语法结构?前面的话是说“机器设计的目的在于制造人们需求的产品”. 英语翻译1.it hot here and getting hotter which is driving the brush making it all the more in cindery .2.if prosecutor decide also to charge him with the murder of unborn child being carried by one of his victims .3.the usa has charged the milita 英语翻译句子:As I want to be a fully developed man,I must get a well-rounded education,which good colleges and universities are supposed to provide. 英语翻译关于书籍版权:有一本书,英文版2007年出版的,我自己把它翻译为中文,发布在我的博客上.这样算是侵犯版权吗?我只是自己感兴趣把它发布在博客上,没有任何盈利的.现在国内一家出 英语翻译不是涉及商业行为,只是单纯的想翻译发到贴吧上分享,是否需要作者本人的同意才行? 一质点以10m/s的初速度做平抛运动落在一个斜面上,落到斜面上时速度方向与斜面夹角为60度,已知斜面的倾角为30度,求:(1)质点从抛出到落至斜面的飞行时间; (2)该运动过程中,质点的竖直位 英语翻译All rights reserved.No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,electronic or mechanical,including photocopying,recording or by any information storage retrieval system,without permission from XXX,Inc 物理题,要步骤,过程,答案 英语翻译You must not circulate this book in any other binding or coverand you must impose the same condition on any acquirer ,一个长120m的队伍在行进,一个人从队尾跑到队首,再跑回队尾,跑的时候平均速度一样,返回队尾后队伍位移288m,问这个人所跑路程是多少?急用 急求推荐有关LCD的英文书籍且最好有中文翻译的! --Have you seen Mr.Li today?--No,he is said _______ Wuhan on business.A:to go to B:to have been to C:to have gone to D:to has gone to为什么答案选d不选c? Next Christmas,()you will spend in New Zealand,I'm sure,will be no white Christmas for you!A.in which B.when C.which D.that包括考点,注意事项, My parents used____they had to get a new car for me.A.which B.that c.what D.all what那D为什么不对 求第一题的解释 问几道物理题 过程也要 讲解一下 按标准物理解题格式1. 一物体静止在水中,露出水面的体积为6*10的-3次方立方米,总体积为8*10的-3次方立方米,求物体在水中所受浮力2. 飞艇的体积2000立方米 A、B两物体叠放在一起,当把A、B两物块同时从静止自由释放时(不计空气阻力)则( )A.A的加速度小于g B.B的加速度大于gC.A 、B之间的相互作用力为零 D.A 、B之间的有相互作用力