
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 13:34:48
what kind of movies _______【do】your father like?_______填什么?说明理由 "菡萏"怎么读 菡萏怎么读 英语翻译mary wants to konw__he__ __the tirp. 这幅漫画的主要内容,拟一个标题五字以内,想对他说什么 英语翻译越快越好 hit sb right between the eyes I grasped his forearms,knowing I only had just seconds to do what I needed to in order to...I grasped his forearms,knowing I only had just seconds to do what I needed to in order to get free.I knew she had never seen us act all intimate before since There is only five years to do what you want ,yea...only five years ,so just do it.这句话语法正确吗?如错了,怎么改? 若把两个不同的灯泡并联在一个完整的电路中,则( )A.两个灯泡的亮度一样B.两只路的电流相同C.其中一个灯泡损坏,另一个不发光D.流经两灯泡的电流之和等于整个并联总电流 He has a box改复数 歇后语春雨飘落在田野上歇后语:春雨飘落在田野上——是什么? 春雨像什么一样洒向田野?写得详细一点,最好能多一点 春雨像什么一样撒向田野 我是一场春雨作文,要有春雨帮助田野或公园或其他地方必须选2个春雨帮助的地方作文 雨落在田野里,像什么 并联电路同时连接到一个灯泡会怎样我想做一个双开关,但是其中一个是软开关,只支持开或关,不支持一或二切换.如图,如果s1和s2都打开会出现问题吗?(有开关的是220V火线,太长时间没弄电子 关于电路方面的,灯泡1.2串联在电路上,电压表并联在灯泡1中它测的是灯泡1的可是为什么说若有示数说明灯泡2是好的,我知道是因为与它串联,但是既然是串联那测的也可以是灯泡2啊 将四个电灯泡并联在电路中 I just want to be your only ,rather than one.是啥意思? lotus 怎么读 写放风筝的作文, 【首字母】大侠来相助!Tom and Helen had got m_____ and many relatives and their friends were enjoyTom and Helen had got m_____ and many relatives and their friends were enjoying their wedding party.There was plenty to eat and plenty to drink Tom and his wife always kept their money ____[A.alone B.separately]and use their own bank accounts for personal expenses.并请说明原因. longer vacations would give us time to do things like_________(volunteer) Long vacations would give us time to do things like volunteering中为什么volunteer要加ing 用a,some,any填空There is *bar of chocolate on the table. May I hanve a bar of chocolate?怎么回答 Tom is their _____son.a、the 2th b、 2th c、 the 2nd d、 2nd The pair of glasses __Tom's .____new.A.are,They are B.is,They are C.are,It is D.is,It is选哪个 桥之美 仿写田野无声,画家们爱于无声处静听桥之歌唱文字无声,作家们爱于无声处__________,他们创作,仿佛____________ 田野无声,画家们爱于无声处静听乔桥之歌唱,他们寻桥,仿佛孩子们寻找热闹.分析