
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 02:43:19
It a good choice to do有这个短语吗? 一个英语问题.Going to swim is a good choice.前面是不定式还是动名词作主语?谢 一些简单的数学选择题希望朋友一起看看 这是五年级的英语. HIDE怎么读?HIDE怎么读的啊? gackt,hide,sugizo,怎么读? taiji怎么读?hide怎么读?heath怎么读?请三个问题一起回答,最好用汉语拼音.大概懂了,第一个读出来岂不是.太极. x-Japan成员:pata、yoshiki、hide、toshi、heath的读音怎么读啊?我要音标 hiders,怎么读? 我们读书,就要头脑里多装一些钩子.头脑里到处是钩子,就能把许多知识钩进去.这句话中头脑里的钩子是(这句话的意思是()一个裂开的房子是站不住的,我不希望这个房子塌下去.这个房子 芦花荡中木桩上的钩子是什么样的?rt pronunciation怎么读 catch,Throwable或Exception,有什么区别?I think I was asking about the java-Programming language instead of English,okay? I read book,thinking the matter---thinking作I read 的伴随read book,thinking the matter(thinking作伴随).问题是当前一句有2个动词,应该伴随谁?I read book after you phone me,dating with me.Date是伴随you phone 还是伴随i re few well-known singers came to the concert是肯定句吗?few well-known singers came to the concert,--?后面的反意疑问句是did they 还是didn't they few well-known singers came to the concert,did they?yes,they did'nt.such as 1.( ) Eglish as often as possibleis very important.A .practise speaking B.Practising speaking C.Practise to speak D.Practising to speak2.— ( )is your mother?—She’s a shop assistant.A.Where B.What C.How D.Who3.Jim’s a shop worse at( )than( ).A I don’t think he ____ (喜欢)to read book.横线处填什么?like 还是likes呢? We held a concert in the hall yesterday.Kate sang ___ among the singers.A.good B.well C.betterWe held a concert in the hall yesterday.Kate sang ___ among the singers.A.good B.well C.better D.best ---Why did you come to the concert to hear the pop singers you didn't like?a.Why did you come to the concert to hear the pop singers you didn't like?b.I shouldn't like____,but my boy friend insisted.A)having come,B)coming ,C)to come ,D)to have come Ben comes home with his mother in the afternoon.划线部分提问 afternoon The frog in the well knows nothing of the great 这是句谚语, do not be the frog in the 已知,AB=4,CD=13,BC=12,DA=3,AB垂直AD,求证:BC垂直BD.B CAD 已知AB=4,BC=12,CD=13,DA=3,AB⊥AD,判断BC⊥BD吗?简述你的理由 已知梯形ABCD中,AB//CD,AD=BC,以BD DA为邻边作平行四边形ADBF证AB垂直平分CF快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快 His dog was lost,and that made him ____ sad.A.feeling B.feels C.to feel D.feel it was so dark inside the room that he had to ____ his way to bed A feel B make C lose D fight帮忙说说理由 英语翻译On one of the islands would be a special plant to take the salt out of sea water and turn it into fresh water.句首的on在这里什么意思?would be a special plant 的主语是什么? 全世界一共有几个黄人 世界上白人.黑人.黄人是啥基因行成的为何是这样的?速回 人教版七年级下册pronunciation的英语字母在单词中的读音怎么记速度啊 急啊 不知道怎么记 还有记完有什么用啊 怎么用