
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 10:25:48
空格里填什么 the mother asked her daughter A what did she do the day beforeThe mother asked her daughter( )A.what did she do the day beforeB.where did she find her lost watchC.when she got up that morningD.that if she had finished her homeworkD为什么错? Mother ' 请问a dirty old brown shirt这句话的形容词为什么dirty排放第一个,old和brown为什么不能放在第一个 谁有《Sound of Silence》(寂寞之声)的吉他谱. 填字母 w.i.t.m.甚麽事 11个字母 The robot on the desk is nearly as small as a match box.(保持句意不变)The robot on the desk is nearly the _____ _____ a match box. Article about Family change in China我想找的是一篇用英语写的关于以上话题的文章,字数在六百字左右. 这句英语语法对吗A hunger strike was made by Ban Ki Moon as a gesture of solidarity with theA hunger strike was made by Ban Ki Moon as a gesture of solidarity with the starving African people.thanksA hunger strike was made by Ban Ki-Moon with have a right to 地理公开课感受我要一篇这样的文章,是关于地震的,哪怕是几句话都可以啊, 怎样才能上好地理公开课 有关水资源的? 主句一般过去时,after后跟什么时态?坐等,谢谢~ 高二地理公开课讲东亚东南亚好还是讲南极洲好?这两节课讲那一节更能上好效果?有没有更好的选择?12月就要讲, 如何才能讲好地理公开课?第一次讲,就遇到副校长级别的要去听课,有点紧张。 是Why is resume important还是 why resume is important 如题 She is smarter than__(I) on my resume什么意思 What's the meaning of "enclose my resume" He starts boiling water in a teapot to make the tea for the guests这句话哪错 The Chinese put loose tea in teapots,add boiling water and serve it in teacups.请问这句话怎么翻译 not+比较级+than=less+原级+than 为何一个是接的比较级,一个是接原级 basic call是什么意思 lt is good for my _lt is good for my _ 华罗庚说:"我是中国人,我要为祖国尽力"是啥句 华罗庚是哪国人? learn to 否定的表达learn to not to let it stop you learn to not let it win这是我在电影看到的两句台词,突然有点疑惑,learn to not 后面是加 do 还是 to do learn to do sth. 和learn sth. 的区别 华罗庚在学习上遇到了哪些困难 he will learn more quickly and listen more attentively in class翻译 Lucy希望和我呆在一起.用英语怎么翻译 应该在哪里断句,谢谢should be short for ease of use in programming