
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 12:55:48
Just __here,__your mother can't find youA stay;andB to stay;andC stay;orD staying;or 作文:1,电视带我去远游.2,管不住的嘴.3,世界天天都在变.4,少年也有愁滋味.5,我最欣赏的十句广告. “喝孔府宴酒,做天下文章.”这条广告拟的好吗?请简要赏析 我的笔记本电源接口会触电 音箱接口也会触电 单独试了电源会触电 怎么处理啊手触这里 会电手 个人自传怎么写 Could you ask your cousin to ( A call me backB call back meC call back ID call I back 这个公式无论怎么画图都不对呀… 为什么我的手有时候摸铁会感觉到触电?比如:水龙头(不绣钢的吧)、水壶(不绣钢)、门锁等等 do you love your mother怎样回答 You'd better do it ( )your mother didas?like?when?because? We will always be togather什么意思 英语翻译38.王僧弥、谢车骑共王小奴许集.僧弥举酒劝谢云:“奉 使君一觞 .”谢曰 :“可尔 .”僧弥勃然起,作色曰 :“汝故 是吴兴溪中钓碣耳!何敢亻舟张!”谢徐抚掌而笑曰:“卫军,僧弥殊不 谁能帮我翻译一下《世说新语》中有关陈季方的那段话客有问陈季方:「足下家君太丘,有何功德,而荷天下重名?」季方曰:「吾家君譬如桂树生泰山之阿,上有万仞之高,下有不测之深;上为 大学英语作文 my views of war大二作文 120字左右帮个忙! My Views on the Sense of Happiness为题目英语作文 140字~别和百度上另外的一样! as far as I am concerned用法要用法和例句 as far as i am concerned与as far as i 'm concerned哪个正确? 英语听力题:听力原文M:as far as i am concerned,听力原文:M:As far as i am concerned,there is no better time for a visit in beijing than october W:I coudn't agree with you anymore.Q:what does the woman mean?选项:A.She quite agrees w what does\"be polite\"mean? As far as I'am concerned,后面接什么?必须接“I...”(我怎么怎么样)吗?如果我这样写,As far as I am concerned,there are some reasons accounting for this phenomanon. my methods of learning english 80次左右, 5个英语短语的同义短语括号内的数字是代表短语由几个单词组成,字母是代替短语的第一个字母1.be worried about(w 2)2.take an exam(t 3)3.in the slightest(a 2)4.get on well with(g 4)5.disappoint me(l 3)第三个 谁有A man didn't sleep at home one night,the next day he told his wife that he had slept at a budd我要的是A man didn't sleep at home one night,the next day he told his wife that he had slept at a buddy's place 的首字母填空的答案 英语作文one of my pleasant trips初中作文.一次愉快的旅行的时间,地点,有那些名胜、美食让你难忘,自己的感受. 英语翻译 英语翻译They have also found that CoS0.89 material has a capacity of 2.8Li in the first cycle.汗 掉了一点。 巴东三峡巫峡长,猿鸣三声泪沾裳与哪位诗人写的哪首诗一致 诗句 巴东三峡巫峡长,猿鸣三声泪沾裳 How far do you live frome school?的同义句是什么?英语 英语翻译诗改一字,界判云天,非个中人不解,齐已《早梅》云:“前村深雪里昨夜几只开.”郑古曰:“改‘几’为‘一’字,方是早梅.”齐乃下拜.某作《御沟》诗曰:“此彼涵帝泽,无处濯沉缨. 下列句中加横线词与尊君在不的不用法不同的是A.诲“女”知之乎B.学而不思则“罔”C.路转溪桥忽“见”D.学而时习之,不亦“说”乎 I'm as good as new.