
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 17:48:23
美国弗吉尼亚州有什么大学? 美国弗吉尼亚州在美国哪个位置 美国弗吉尼亚州的zipcode. 判断题:Virginia is an Indian name for taacco.(Virginia是指美国弗吉尼亚州) the girl in the car is my sister,提问.对the girl in the car 提问.______ ________ is your sister? 请问The girl in the car is her sister.对The girl in the car 提问. 小学六年级英语怎样才能考得好? 六年级英语的考考你 瞬间动词和持续动词How long may I keep the book?哪个是瞬间动词,持续动词?没有瞬间动词吗? 老师,请问英语中在什么情况下使用不定式?比如"The boy to write this letter needs a pen“为什么要用不定式"to write"呢 ? He seems to know this 不定式是什么成分?He seems to know this.I hope to see you again.I'm sorry to have given you so much trouble.She is known to have been wreaking on the problem for many years.这些句子中不定式是做什么成分呢? Virginia Slims 和 янтарный 中文意思还有中文翻译呢?янтарный是一种酒的名字,下面还有一溜字母-----коньяк Virginia Slims是日本产的吗?中国能买到吗?价值人民币是多少?请用中文回答! 请问 arrive 表示到达的时候 是非延时性动词还是延时性动词,他可以和for 连用吗 哪里可以买到Virginia Slims?RT~我想找的是Rose系列,粉色的外壳.我今年在HK买到过.请问南京哪里可以买到?实在不行网购也可以~我在提问前也关注过别人的提问,所以2楼的亲,你的答案……是我之 Virginia Darlington Greenwich是人名吗 翻译成中文是什么 我想考BEC,不过不是很了解,我六级成绩是582,应该报中级还是高级呢? 英语翻译It is not strange that it should be so; rather it is astonishing that she can make us feel what she had it in her to say at all.It surges up in the half-articulate words of Catherine Earnshaw,“If all else perished and HE remained,I shou washed the clothes的英标 washed the clothes是什么意思? ---- the boy ---- clothes(洗衣服) now The Clothes is washed by me请问这里的Clothes是复数还是单数? 清明 清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂. 借问酒家何处有?牧童遥指杏花村. 把这首是编成故事‘‘ 五年级暑假作业本答案 五年级暑假作业本全部的答案 小学五年级暑假作业本把鲁迅先生的名人名言填写完整.一滴水,用显微镜看,__________________________.其实地上本没有路,____________________________. 求上课扔粉笔,写检讨100字,5: 翻译2.She took many pictures of me and my family during her stay here. as soon as 十种用法 我们老师说as soon as有十种用法,谁知道啊 as soon as到底有几种用法,主将从现?还有呢前后时态一致有吗 as soon as Christmas day is always ( )the same day1.in2.on