
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 22:20:21
3x+11=86 请编写一道有实际意义的应用题, -9+12÷(-6)-(-4)×(-4)÷(-8) premier collection怎么翻译成中文好? look after the collection翻译 英语翻译 英语翻译the state of the art for training in many other high-skill professions is virtual reality.一楼一看就是在线翻译来翻。太不准了,别拿在线翻译来翻。 英语翻译我需要的是全文翻译 1.In some countries,___ are called “public schools” are not owned by the state.A.that B.which C.as D.what2.____is known that the play ends up withHamlet's murder.为什么填As而不是It3.Although we had been out of touch for ten years,I recogni In some countries,____are called "public schools" are not owned by the state.A that B which C as D what求解释 属于怎样的语法结构 几道数学题请速度解答追加分少不了1.李叔叔打论文,3小时录入了3分之1.照这样的速度,李叔叔工作8小时,可以录入这篇论文的几分之几?还剩几分之几没完成?2.一共有240kg水果糖,每袋装4分之1. In some countries ,which are called"public schools"are not owned by the state. 1.甲乙两人在一条东西方向的路上行走,甲在乙的西边300米.如果甲向东走,乙向西走,2分钟后两人相遇.如果两人都向东走0.5小时后甲追上乙,求甲乙的速度.2.一家商店因换季准备将某种服装打折 in some countries,--------are called“public school are not owned by the state.A thain some countries,--------are called“public school are not owned by the state.A that B which Cas D what 1/2x(x+4y)+2y平方因式分解 若x-2y=2 x+2y=6 则x的平方-4y的平方+2x-4y=? (x-2y)的平方-2x+4y+1 1.甲、乙两站相距720km,一列货车和一列客车分别从两站同时相向而行,2.4小时相遇,货车和客车的速度比是2:3,客车每小时行多少km.2.从甲地到乙地,客车需要用8小时,货车需要用10小时,两车从两 3x³-2x·x²a·a²·a³+2a的四次方乘以a²-3a³·a³(a-b)²·(a-b)³+(a-b)的四次方乘以(-a-b)(a-b-c)³·(b+c-a)²a³·a的五次方减去(a³)的五次方[(a- 快来帮帮忙,一道数学题,以O为圆心的两个同心圆中,小圆的弦AB的延长线交大圆与点C,若AB=3,BC=1.则与圆环的面积最接近的整数是下列四个数中的哪一个?说明你的理由.A.9 B.10 C.11 D.12 A dog starving at his master's gate predicts the ruin of the state1 I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by custom 2 Gather you rosebuds while you may ,old time is still a-flying,and this same flower that smiles today,tomorrow 请翻译成汉语,最好是谚语A dog starving at his master's gate predicts the ruin of the state.1.Don't look forward to the day you stop suffering,because when it comes you know you'll be dead.2.A dog starving at his master's gate predicts the r 英语翻译会不会是自身难保 无法庇护一类的意思呢?该怎么翻译更好? In his State of the Union adrress in February ,the president .求大神翻译. 1.A dog starving at his master's gate predict's the ruin of the state.2.Don't look forward to the day you stop the suffering,because when it comes you know you will be dead.3.I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by custom.4.Gat x平方-4y平方-x+2y要用分组分解法做做对了加分,还有一题……x平方-2x-b平方-2b 还是分组分解法 某鸡场有三间饲养棚,第一件饲养棚有261只产蛋鸡,第二件饲养棚产蛋鸡占全场产蛋鸡只数的五分之一.那么,第三间饲养棚的产蛋鸡占全场总只数的七分之几? 这一化简过程哪里出错了? 怎么化简 求过程 the head of state of canada is represented byA the Monarch B the President C the Prime Minister D the Governor-general 我很奇怪为什么有人说是选择B 加拿大由总统吗?如果旧传统意义上说应该是Elizabeth 但如果说是政府 state of war加拿大一关!rt!等级4,. Who is the head of state of the U.K. If the Netherlands is a kingdom,how would you call the head of state?为什么呢?