
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 18:12:18
"感谢生活"这个作文题应该从哪方面入手才好呢? It was __________________(因为下雨)that Jack missed the first class last Friday morning.(because You can't _______ how I missed the bird at that timeA.appreciate C.imagine D.realize 估计是AB中选,这是本单元的单词 Do you find getting up in the morning so difficult that it's painful?This might be called laziness,but Dr.Kleitman has a new explanation.He has proved that everyone has a daily energy cycle.During the hours when you labour through your work you may s John ___missed the 8o'clock train that morning.A.failed to set B.failed to make.c.failed to catch 哪个,为什么 在垄断竞争市场结构中的长期(集团)均衡价格 P* ,是代表性厂商的需求曲线与其长 期平均成本(LAC)曲线 相切之点.已知代表性厂商的长期成本函数和需求曲线分别为:LTC = 0.0025Q3- 0.5Q2+ 384QP = 管理经济学问题某产品的市场需求和供给曲线如下:需求:Q(d)=200-2P供给:Q(s)=40+2P问:(1)该产品的均衡价格和均衡销售量是多少?(2)如果政府限定该产品的最高价格为30元,此时会产生多 什么是记忆规律 记忆原理为什么读课文读一段时间就可以记下来,这是什么原理 记忆有什么规律?它对人有什么用呢? 认识记忆规律是什么意思 用成语填空和造句她的脸上( )的微笑——那是理想实现了的微笑,胜利的微笑,上帝的微笑.(填成语)造句:人们都爱( ),( ),( )(是要写一种季节,例如秋天,人们都爱秋天,爱他的秋 成语填空,造句( )齐鸣 ()令五串 填空并造句造句!(三分钟) You will never understand why I have that mighty proud 29.I will never understand how it___ you were an hour late on such a short journey.A.came that B.became that C.came about that D.caused that 成语填空.习以为( ),( )( )大方,相貌( )( ).造句习以为( ),( )( )大方,相貌( )( )。造句 悬赏分:801分钟,快!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *20.I'll never understand how it _____ that you were an hour late on such a short journey.A.came across B.came about C.came into D.came along翻译包括选项,并详细分析. 右图中的三条曲线分别表示蛋白质(乙),淀粉(甲),脂肪(丙)在消化道中的化学性消化过程.请据图回答:(1)淀粉从消化道中的【】()开始被消化(2)蛋白质从消化道中的【】()开 在家里给你印象最深的是什么 为什么? 请问“东方”四大文明是指哪四大文明?注意:不是四大文明古国啊! 这就 是真正的荷兰的这是啥意思 Frank,_______ is interested in computer games,came here yesterday.A that B whom C who 英译汉In the light of what you have told me,I will say that it is he who came here yesterday. He is been singing for five years 改为同义句 He began to sing ______ _______ ______ 已知正项数列{an}的前n项和为Sn,对任意n属于N*都有(a1)3次方+(a2)3次方+(a3)3次方+…+an3次方=Sn求证求1数列{an}的通项公式 急,求感叹“美好的事物总是短暂”的诗句或文言文1、最好是描写春天或是青春的2、要文言文或者古诗文3、注意速度地说···4、最好是有种一去不复回的感觉,但是不能太悲··· 记忆的规律周期是什么? 已知数列an的各项都是正数,且对任意n∈N都有a1的3次方+a2的3次方+a3的3次方+an的3次方=sn平方+2sn1 求a1,a2 2求数列an的通项公式 人的记忆和遗忘规律是怎样的?怎么提高人的记忆力? 艾宾浩斯记忆遗忘规律 如何根据记忆和遗忘规律来改进自己~ The ambassador’s wife went on asking questions,when she suddenly noticed a big hole in her husband’s hat.‘And how can you explain that?’ she asked.这句话中,can怎么解释?