
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 11:08:19
神话故事中人物名称( )逐日是谁逐日. 某电器商场甲,乙两种电器原价共880元,为了扩大销售量,决定把甲种电器打8折出售,把乙种打7.5折出售,结果两种电器共让利200元,求原价各多少? 这辆是什么车? 1.he said to me,'you are wrong' 2.he asked,'where are you going to get off,John?'3.Are you a Party member?' he asked.4.'A sports meet will be held in our school next week.'LI Lei said to her parents.5.'I've been there twice,'he said 变间接引语 尝百草阅读为了战胜无情的饥饿,走出草地,完成北上抗日的神圣任务,党组织发出了“尝百草”的庄严号召. 在茫茫的草地上,野草遍地,毒草丛生.要尝出一种能吃的野草是很不容易的,往往是要 武林外传任务遍尝百草怎么做 这辆是什么车? 歇后语‘上帝拉肚子’的下一句是什么? 求《神农氏勇尝百草》的读后感,300字左右神农勇尝百草传说中,人们把能干的伏羲氏、神农氏和女娲氏尊称为“三皇”.传说在人类文明历史中伏羲氏的主要贡献是教会人们织网打鱼,捕获野兽 cement protection什么意思 weak cement是什么意思 cement cement branch是什么意思 cement nails coated什么意思 the actress took a nervy step at earning some country cred.认可认同? ID card是么意思是身份证的意思吗 ID编号是什么意思? 节日的广场人多得怎么样造句 英语翻译Compliance of concrete cover,both in the linear and non-linear range,is included in theinterface law.The proposed procedure has been used toobtain a FRP–concrete interface law from experimentalresults reported in Ref.[18]. 绍圣元年是那年 英语翻译 谁有《A BACKWARDS MORNING》的中文翻译? There_____a class metting this afternoon.Ais going to have Bis going to be C will have Dis going to has admissions bar 怎么翻译 warking in the rain moderate rain to drizzle in forecast in 求助(请标明题号) 标明题号 求助(请标明题号, 帮我评论一下这个文章,求具体 网虫在英语中如何表示答复:Networm 与computer geek有什么区别吗