
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:38:04
Proper ty of First Look Studios You look like my first girl fonder! On the plates of the capacitor 啥意思? make cakes 的中文 on the plates 的中文on the table 的中文The plates are on the table的中文 what's on the two plates?为什么这里用is而不用are 英语翻译He____ ____ English _____ _____. All the food ____on the table.The ___________are on the plates.A.is sandwichs B.is sandwiches C.are sandwichs D.are sandwiches We get clams on the plates. 中文名是“杜菁”,拼音是:“du jing”能帮忙取个英文名吗?觉得Jane 、Jean等都太普通了, 我的名字拼音是 cai si jing 想找一个与中文名音同的英文名.RT 中文名拼音是yang cheng lin,帮忙取个与中文谐音的英文名吧,谢谢以上的回答,ymdjustin的回答太生僻了,怎么念?最好带上国际音标,忘了说了,我是男生. put on是动副词组,还是动介词组 I can wash the plates.改为否定句 (关于宾语从句的题)do you know _______?A.where does he live B.where he lived这个题答案是A,但是从句应该是陈述语序才对啊?B是陈述语序,为什么不选? where does he work?Do you know?连接为宾语从句 Where does Doctor Liu live(Do you know)怎样改成宾语从句? Do you know where I can exchange the money? 这是宾语从句还是地点状语从句?I will go where work conditions are difficult.这又是什么?是宾语从句还是地点状语从句? She seems as if she had done a great th 把陈述句改成宾语从句:Where does Peter live now?Do you know? My love My dream 是哪首歌的歌词 The waiter d_____ the plates and broke them填什么 pass to 的用法 why 不能pass the key to them,而是pass them the key?急 the movement of the plates past them has.中past是什么词性非常感谢你的回答,如果你回答 pass 词语和短语的搭配,比如put on,put off,human being,in danger大家可以帮我找一些动词短语吗?短语 例句 翻译go wrong 发生故障 When you get old 当你老了的时候three things start 三方面会出问题to go wrong再以这 they tired to pass the exam,but()of them has passedA:nobodyB:both C:noneD:one 九年级英语单项选择常见的动词短语及汉语意思 如 put off He asked his father ( ).A.where it happens B.what was happen C.how it happened我知道这道题应该选C.但是为什么用陈述语序?A不是陈述语序对么? There is a girl in my heart` forever love! 像put on/off/up这样主次不变搭配词变的短语有例句哦~~! 比如还有 take up take什么的.越多越好! my farther asked me_____.A.when did it happen B.where it happens C.how it happenedD.how did it happen You're my dream boy!That is forever.However,I also love you! " Where_____you go?" my father asked me.A.did B.do C.are给选择做理由