
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 20:03:30
翠色欲流是什么意思 帛加上一个偏旁,组成四个字:已有棉、锦、绵三字麻烦生僻字请写出读音和意义 棉和绵怎么组词 In the future we[ ]books but read on the computer A will use B will not read Wang will on the computer.连词成句:will Wang computer on the In the future,books will only be on the computer,not on p根据句意及首字母提示,写出单词,完成句子 人类为什么要做大自然的朋友? 人类需要朋友么对这个世界看的淡了 朋友也觉得可有可无了 甚至连亲人的感情都能用金钱来衡量了 可笑的世界 可悲的宿命反正我是无所谓了 从小就没有朋友 也不想知道被朋友围着是什么 英语短文改错要说哪错了 还有理由I had been in London for two years .When the time I was studying there ,my strong wish was to go back home instead of stay in the city I didn't know well .So when the day came for my leaving .I had a stra He told us he____ a concert_____.A.had atteneded ;three days beforeB.attended;a week agoC.would attend;since a week ago D.was atteneding;for a week 自信产生美丽还是美丽产生自信? 绵换偏旁组词急求求…………………… “棉”去偏旁再加另一个偏旁组词 if you had told us earlier who he was,we could have introduced him at the meeting.我想请问各位,大家觉得这里是用who准确还是用whom?为什么呢,我也觉得是who,但是我的导师却觉得是要用whom,我一般都是凭预 If you had told us earlier___he was,we could have introduced him at the meeting.A whom B who 选什么?为什么? 我的word为什么不显示英语拼写和语法错误?点Word上的"工具"菜单也设置不了,没显示“拼写与语法”选项? 棉和绵的区别,能通吗 ( )长 应该选棉还是绵?说说理由! 请问是绵里针还是棉里针? 什么是电动窗帘?都分那几种? “shall we be tolerant?"英语作文, 跪求一篇英语作文!what should we do with time? 英语短文改错中要在两个单词间加一个单词时,加子符号怎样插入 帮忙改一下一个英文的短文改错,短文改错Here are Tony's plan for next week.1._______He is going to learn a dragon dance in the school 2._______in Monday morning with Robert and Jack.3._______On Tuesday morning Tony is going to having a 英语短文改错,有几个改几个,谢谢.As is known to all, China, which covers an area of 9.6 million square kilometers, is the third largest country in the world. It is a big family which consists 56 nations, 94% of whom are mainly the Han Eth 翻译“你还喜欢你曾经喜欢过的那个女孩吗?”广东话怎么说 我想知道电动窗帘的轨道与普通窗帘轨道是否是一样,要将普通窗帘换成电动窗帘怎么换,要买哪些配件? 2010六级估分高手帮分析下急不慎感谢听力22单词对4个句子一个吧快速阅读对9简短回答打2.5个把仔细阅读对4个到5个完形对7个左右翻译1.5左右作文还行高手帮我分析下泻了对我很重要的 化学文献SBA-15-collagen hybrid material for drug delivery applications 向往澳大利亚的理由 要求结合地理知识说明向往澳大利亚的理由或者是澳大利亚的多方面地理资料 翻译90% of the participants changed their TV viewing 甲骨文最早出现在哪个朝代?