
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 02:42:28
好心人请告诉我,普罗旺斯的地理位置,就是北纬多少度,东经多少度,位于赤道的什么位置?这类的相关知识.一定要准确,要与地理有联系,好的答案再加10分 let him help me 为什么填 help? 在红纸上印字,什么颜色才是金黄色的?RGB的数值是多少? how to download ICQ?for i'd to chat with foreigner .ths How to chat with an American by Skype 关于真理在英文中从句的时态问题网上说只有宾语从句才能够真理用一般现在时,但是像什么同位语之类的从句呢?比如说 Galileo insisted on the fact that the Earth goes around the sun. 中的goes around 还是 w 英语中表达客观事实用什么时态例如:The teacher told the children that the earth______around the sun.A.moves B.moved C.was moving D.is moving 韩国人知道自己在正式场合用的是中国的汉字吗 为什么韩国人在正式的场合使用汉字那韩国人都认识汉语? She would like__a film today.A.see B.to see C.seeing D.sees 纠正韩国人汉语发音正在教一个韩国人中文 他听读都没问题 就是发音不准 个别语法有问题 怎样来纠正他呢?不想只是单单聊天 我觉得这样 教的东西很散 有没有有经验的人传授一下?是应该 韩国人说中文一些字,读音和我们不一样,有哪些特殊的字这些字他们的发音是什么 世说新语 德行中的班军什么意思 Would you like to go to a movie?可以变成 Would you like to see a movie? is this seat this foider is THIS FOLDER IS 死亡这个单词用英语怎么说 有关死亡的英文单词有一个含死亡、去世之意的英文单词,是正式而文雅的用语,一般指死于暴力或困难的环境中.请问这个单词是哪一个? I want to take her to cherish life Don't leave me I will take life to cherish意思 阿富汗和伊拉克的地理位置?最近发生什么实事?/ 朝天门的地理位置,人文环境,它的历史意义. My sister is clever.My cousin is cleverer.合并为一句话 Grace is my sister .She is seventeen years old.合并成一句话 she()walk at night.she is afraid of the dark.A.dshe()walk at night.she is afraid of the dark.A.dares B.dare not C.dares not to D.dares to I'm fourteen.My friend is sixteen.So I'm __ himA as old asB not younger thanC not so young asD two years younger than My sister Is eighteen and my brother is sixteenI am fourteen we()go to the same school A two B five C three D six just because it should he should be good at sports ,because I am a___,too.根据首字母填空 the same as 与be the same with有什么区别-Jack went to the bookstore,but he didn't buy any books-It was the same _________ TonnyA as B.with C.to D.like我知道的是 the same as 和.一样the same with 与...的情况相同这题的答案是B the same with 和 the same as 区别举例说明(尽量详细)谢