
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/09 02:39:15
When Edison was very young ,he liked to find out how ___.A.did things work things work C.things work D.things worked When Einstein was a child ,he liked [ ] how things worked. 用适当的介词或副词填空.It's easy for me to swim ____ the river. pass on 中的on是介词还是副词? 麻烦大家帮我起个英文名,要“rui yang"的谐音 .男孩 有首歌的歌词是 hi hi you you i want to be a girl friend no way no way 这是什么歌 有首歌的歌词是 hi hi you you i want to be a girl friend no way no way 英语翻译 为漫画拟一个标题 1请给这幅漫画拟一个恰当的标题 2看了这幅漫画,你受到了什么启示 漫画拟一个合适的标题的 给这幅漫画拟一个标题 what do you think of the 2012 Spring Festival?Well,great But I don't think much of twhat do you think of the 2012 Spring Festival?Well,great But I don't think much of ---- held last.Athe one D.which How do you c_______ the Spring Festival? 按语气和用途,指出下列句子各属于什么句?幸福是什么? 按语气与用途分,下面句子各属于什么句?1.你看我还像个小八路吗?2.我的生日又到了.3.我骄傲,我是中国人! 请把字典给我递过来.(按句子的语气和用途,指出下列句子各是什么句.) I want to make a foreign friend 谁能介绍给我啊 为什么地球上会有人? The boy likes to have his bedroom _____ clean and tidy.A likes B look C to look D lookedhave sth done的话 就要选择D 可是答案是B 为什么呢.. some friends can not be replaced,but luckily some do not have to be.有人知道是哪部电影里的吗? 下面的材料说明了什么?你是如何认识人的情绪的?2009年4月11日《山西日报》载文指出,人感到烦恼、痛苦、忧郁和面临巨大挫折、压力时,往往会借酒消愁、抽烟叹气,甚至吸毒.因此,吸毒人群 I have no ambition when you just want the world's only one这句英文什么意思 体会下面的句子表现了人物的什么心情,用一个词概括出来.(1)哼,得了奖,有什了不起的.(2)"你这是故意的!"晓雅说着就举起了手.(3)可是,"请原谅",这几个字她怎么也说不出来.(4)啊,要是我没有做 please keep the room clean.and don't t_______the waste paper everywhere 隶用部首查字法查什么部首 幽、隶、汲、窥、黧、世.这6个字中,哪两个用音序查字法 哪两个用部首查字法 哪两个用数笔画查字法? I would like to play football.变为否定句 I often clean my room.变为否定句 在室内讲话比在旷野里要响亮分析这一现象 in my heart only have I only have you in my heart是什麽意思?翻译翻译下下~ My heart just have only one