
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/09 07:14:20
make后跟形容词还是副词 高一英语(一道单选)On hearing the news of the accident in the coal mine,she____pale.A.got B.changed C.went D.appeared 英语翻译Good sense is the most equitablydistributed thing in the world,for each man considern himself so well provided with it that even those who are most difficult to satiffy in everything else do not usually wish to have more of it than they h 因为没有抓住机会而失败的例子.最好是名人的. 没有抓住机遇名人事例 谁知道抓住机会的名人故事 中世纪的欧洲人是如何绘制地图的?他们是怎么知道陆地的轮廓的?而且和我们今天所看到的地图没什么差异,当时又没有卫星? 高一英语一道单选●●在线等To avoid punishment, he____ an excuse for his being late. A. made B. made up C. made out D. made of【答案知道是B,请高手来解析讲解】【详细每个选项分析一下】【谢谢大家】 我今年初三,但是初三以后,历史题变得很难,不怎么会分析历史材料例如:“(在希腊)流通中发展起来的交换价值过程,不但尊重自由和平等,而且自由和平等是它的产物;它是自由和平等的 贴的多音字是什么?音是什么?怎么组词? 关于 得与失 的名人名言,事例要多一点啊名言和事例 名人因为失去而获得成功(或失败)的事例、、、、急 成功后失去目标开始堕落的名人例子GRE作文的~ 有没有关于名人失去理想的小故事?或者是历史人物也可以. 关于得与失的实际故事(名人事迹) beat it看是中文唱是英文 1.如图,OA是圆O的半径,以OA为直径的圆C的弦AB相交于点D.求证.D是AB的中点.2.如图.在圆O中,已知∠ACB等于∠CDB等于60°.AC等于3.求△ABC周长.3.如图.圆O的直径AB等于8.∠CBD等于45°.求弦CD的长.4.如图. 已知:如左下图,AB切圆O于点B,OA与圆O交于点C,点P在圆O上,若角BAC=40度,则角BPC的度数为多少? 19世纪末20世纪初欧洲发生这样的文化变迁:“巴黎或柏林的嗜好甚至说话腔调,可以传播到国内最遥远的乡村,各国生活方式也越来越受到国际消费文化的影响.”促成这一变化的主要媒介是A. 1、商鞅变法的措施中,对当时农村发展具有积极作用的是:②奖励耕织③ 重农抑商一步④燔诗书而明法令 A、①② B、①②③ C、①②③④ D、③④“①奖励军功”这一项怎么跟对当时的农村 古籍的分类历史变化 辽宋夏金元的产生发展什么的 第一单元 题 说明下原因 .说的明白加分王沔(音mian,三声),字楚望,齐州人.……加左谏议大夫、枢密副使.……改户部侍郎,参知政事.”此段文字中的王沔应该是A.汉朝人 B.唐朝人 C.宋朝 My goodness,how lucky we are!If there had been places for us on the areplane,we ( ) dead nowA.will be B.would be C.would have been D.had been 选哪个?为什么? 问几个高一英语单选如题 1 I could not understand ( ) with me A.the matter was what B.what was the matter C.what the matter was D.that was the matter这个本来以为选C,答案却给的B难以理解,求教.2 Is this hotel( )you said we wer 关于一道高一英语单选的问题--Did you hear about _____ his job?--Yes,I was shocked at the news because he's a fine worker.A.Robert being lost B.Robert to have lost C.Robert losing D.Robert had lost.可是我选的是d.因为我觉得Robert 英语翻译这句话An immigration commission said it wasn't convinced by British government assurances that no evidence obtained by torture would be used against him in Jordan.Danny Shaw reports.全文,可以结合语境看一下:The radical Musl 英语翻译An initiator must honor an R2T data request for a valid outstanding command and deliver all the requested data provided the command is supposed to deliver outgoing data and the R2T specifies data within the command bounds. 英语翻译she has it virtually won,unless she gets overtired before the game. 英语翻译Just advanced by the Russian and later picked up and made much of by certain American writers,was the claim that U-2 pilots were worried that if the device had to be used the CIA had rigged it in such a way that it would explode premature 中东地区动乱的历史原因 请问有没有介绍中东历史的书籍啊同体 很想了解那段历史最好多介绍点这样的书