
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 13:31:05
2000年第5次全国人口普查结果表明,我国人口最多的2个省是河南和是山东,山东约有9000万人,约比河.2000年第5次全国人口普查结果表明,我国人口最多的2个省是河南和是山东,山东约有9000万人,约 2000年第五次全国人口普查结果表明,我国人口最多的两个省是河南和山东,山东约有9000万人约比河南少46分之1,河南大约多少人万人?用方程解, 两题 英语首字母填空Betty like to watch monkeys,they are i______.She gives a banana to the monther monkey ,and the mother monkey l_______ her children eat it. 英语首字母填空(2题而已)To a doctor,the most i____ thing is to save lives.many foreigners are interested in the t____ Chinese medicine. 请详细说明.为什么?- How often_______ your school sports meeting ______?_Once a year A.does hold B.is held ____not in his office.A .It was happened that he was B .It happened that has was C .I happened to him be D .he happened to be 不要用翻译句意的方法,用强调句/虚拟语气/倒装之类的语法详细讲解!快哦,小生这儿先谢谢了! ---Why not go to Qingdao on May Day,Jim?---I'm afraid it's not good ____ .I have been there several times.A.way B.please C.advice D.idea 求一道数学题(人口普查)资料:截至2010年11月1日零时,普查登记的大陆31个省、自治区、直辖市和现役军人的人口共约133972万人,与2000年11月1日零时人口数相比,增长5.84%.从年龄来看,60岁及以 山东2010年山东人口普查结果山东人口数是多少? I find these problems are easy ___.A.to work out B.to be worked outC.in working out D.to be worked theme out She find____difficult to learn English well.----(B)A.it is B.it C.that D.this什么时侯选A\C\D为什么选B 英语翻译Hold fast to dreams,for if dreams die.Life is a brokened winged bird,that can't fly.Hold fast to dreams,for when dreams go,life is a barrened field,frozen with snow. 2000年第五次全国人口普查结果表明,我国入口最多的两个省是河南和山东 英语翻译``` 刚才印了套英文名片,英文名字全是印大写可以吗?来问下高手们,要不写错了,拿出去丢面子 英语句子里面名字开头是不是要大写? 标题中或副标中 the要不要大写在第一个呢?或者书名的第一个是the呢? 英语十二生肖开头要不要大写 英语地名要不要大写如兰州 英文个性网名大写的我要个性一点的 全部是小写的也可以.字母要多点. 英文里名字怎么大写 英文名如何大写 你认为我现在多大了?英语怎么说 英文用拼音写三个字的名字,最后一个字的拼音开头要不要大写?比如何婷瑜 关于英语定语从句的问题,He noticed a remains of a snake which had been dropped by a bird onto the wires.和 He noticed a remains of a snake which a bird had dropped onto the wires这两个句子有错误吗?一个是被动式一个是主动 英语定语从句题目 The museum_____we'll visit next week is not far from here.A whereB whichC what 这道题为什么不选A 我想不通啊 英语定语从句问题.1.we will never forget the days ( )we spent with your family这题是时间,为什么不用when,on which而用which2.We will never forget the days( )we will together这题是时间,却用when,而不用which和that 英语中,插入语定语从句和双层定语从句区别的问题.希望有人能解答以下的疑问.英语中定语从句插入语问题:如此句:they pointed out the damage which they supposed had been done by last night's storm这里的 1.I will never forget the day ______ I joined the Party.A.which B.where C.who D.on which2.I don't like stories ________ have unhappy endings.A.who B.that C.where D.those 有一道英语题如下,希望大家帮忙解答,先谢谢了Meetingf my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment,( )I will always treasure.A.that B.one C.it D.all (人教版)英语课本七年级下册 第8页的2b,不用写答案给我,答案我有了,老师叫我按那些英语单词造句.每个都要.急.大哥大姐们帮帮忙. 连词成句1 you,in,house,l'll,show,the rooms,my.2 wear,and,outside,l,play,shorts.3 want,visit,the zoo,do,to,you.4 cooler,it,sky,may,the,be,up,in.5 computer,is,more,than,that,one expensive,this.6 card,is,libary,here,my.7 several,see,you,in,days,spro