
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 10:40:20
水下1米处,水的压强是多少帕. 求一篇作文,【我想 】要罕见的哦,自己写的最好. 金鱼的种类 为什么说水是细胞的主要成分?henjihenji很急很急! 我国的金鱼品种是世界上最多的国家,形成这么多金鱼品种的原因是A 我国有不同的环境 B 人工选择的结果 C 我国鱼类品种多 D 自然选择的结果 金鱼的种类有哪些?金鱼是什么门、什么纲、什么科?有哪些种类? 金鱼会和其它种类的金鱼繁殖吗?就是两种不同种类的金鱼可一繁殖吗,比如蝶尾和丹顶.我的缸里有六条雄金鱼只有一条雌金鱼,而且品种都不同,听说金鱼会变性,怎么变? Go down long street and take the frist turning on the right.同义句Go down long street and take the frist turning on the right.(同义句) 填空 Go along this street and ____+ the first turning on the left. 海底水的压强很大?大到什么程度? 位于水下20,米深处的物理受到水的压强为?位于水下20米的物体 受到水的压强为多少帕 分子实验室洁净度多少? 求:此图用标点符号组成的花原标点图 what are the factors which can push the society forward?麻烦帮我用以下几个单词或句子串联成一篇文章:well-educated,came fromdifferent parts of the counties or cities,brought different culture,thought ambitious,brought the vicious John had to give the car a big push.能用have to 吗? I need the light of you which can made me warm、Don't push me away The media disclose social problems which can monitor and push the government to deal with them They went up to the gate ,which hint open at the push of a button. auto cad2007 画图 我画的切线段为什么不是直线 cad2007怎么查看长度 花园里种了许多花()有月季()迎春()杜鹃等()真是丰富多彩()漂亮极了()加上标点 take the edge 加标点符号: 公园里开着许多花 有牡丹 芍药 紫丁香等 好看极了 take the coat off,或者 take off the coat 都可以,新概念说off是副词既然是副词,只是用来修饰的,可以去掉,那么变成take the coat ,这样意思不就变了吗那像lift up sth 这个up是可以省的,也就是有些能省有 take the ring off是俚语吗?什么意思不要字面解释John: There is a crack in my window blinds, and every time I turn around, I see an eye staring through the glass at me. I can't deal with this any longer, its making me lose games. Any opin take off the costume是什么意思 saves time in the kitchen to have things you use a lot _____ easy reach.[ ]It saves time in the kitchen to have things you use a lot _____ easy reach.[ ]A.near B.upon C.within D.around 为什不选D It saves time in the kitchen to have things you saw a lot (within easy reach)括号是做什么语 it save time in the citchen to have things you sue a lot _____ easy reachAnearB uponC within D around答案是C求解释 翻译句子It saves time in the kitchen to have things you use within easy reach. We need time to dream,time to remember,and time to reach the infinite,time to be.这句话源自哪儿这是Gladys Taker的名言,但是不知来自哪儿,以及其主要背景 为什么都说从冬至开始天气开始变冷?“数九寒天”就是从冬至数起的但不是说冬至以后太阳直射点就向北移了么?