
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 10:29:27
翻译 “哈尔滨某娱乐会所KTV设计方案” 把这段话翻译成英文 别有语法错误 大家帮忙判断一下有没有语病(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……It's only five years old,and it is very smart and lovely.它只有五岁,它很聪明也很可爱.It is a pretty dog,it’s black and white.它是一只漂亮的小狗,颜色是黑白相间 英文 自我介绍 Hello,teachersMy name is ____,I'm seventeen years old,I will graduate from ______ Secondry School this summer.I love Maths and I'm good at Maths.I am outgoing and have lots of friends.I love chatting with my friends during the bre 改语病.三句话各有一处.【1】社会上有人认为,责任企业制定这个赔偿方案不透明,没有听取患儿家长的广泛意见.【2】在这个问题,专家认为,应当从实际情况出发,客观理性地来看待.【3】据了 语文语病训练 指出下列句子的语病 高一的 请大家帮忙哦9、围绕“农民增收”这一目标,该信用社大力支持农村特色经济的发展,重点向特色化,优质化,技术化农户优先发放贷款.10、在这部作 Since we don't have the ability to change the food industry development,so we can change the angle from our diet.Preserve health,became the focus of the masses.Especially with my family,since 2007,we began the dietary with preserving health.Before 20 英语 Jack _______ enter the competition because he thought the judges were all white,they might look down upon the black people.A.managed to B.agreed to C.refused to D.decided toD不可以? 副歌大概有这个 i ask you can you hear me blow?so you don't hnow,where we coming from?oh where we go一个女孩唱的 节奏稍快 Where you coming from和where did you come from,还有where do you come from 我有点搞不清楚 It was not her business,she decided,to ask where the money came from.这意思是“她认为这笔钱的来历不关她的事“ 还是”尽管不关她事,她还是决定查出钱的来历“? The money coming from hard work中的coming 是分词还是动名词 where did you coming from 跟where you come flom 意思一样吗 a Australian还是 an Australian Australian前用a还是an He has just bought an Australian car.可以说Chinese car吗 She is an Australian girl.And she can 什么chinese an Australian 谁来帮忙找语病?1.the youth who are graduated from university are full of energy and creativity.2.adovocates consider that youngest are able to assume government work, because of several factors.这两句话有错误没? 【英语四级】【大学英语四级里面的 综合 】是哪部分?【快速阅读】 和 【翻译】和【选词填空】和【完型填空】划归在哪里? 一首激情英文歌刚开始是节奏由轻到响然后是 taken taken taken taken taken on是男声唱的 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/vu3AiyKtrhg/ 一个动漫MAD的歌你们先看一下知道的给下歌谢谢了 帮我找语病,还要该哦,我找不出来了~呵呵~1 有没有错别字是评定好文章的标准之一.2 新建的高楼大厦,把我们吸引住了.3 新课已经学完,从今天开始我们就进入复习了.大哥哥大姐姐叔叔阿姨帮 谁来帮我找一个语病阅读文学佳作,不仅能提高我们的文学素养,还可以增加我们的文学知识.是语文七年级上册的导学园地,大家帮个忙,急用啊= 急用急用急用啊~= 就是看上面的句子有什么语病 奔驰什么意思 想去学英语,去华尔街可以吗?想去学英语,可是总是听说华尔街学费贵,可是我想提高一下口语,有没有更好的办法啊? 有谁在华尔街学英语,介绍一下那里怎么样 在华尔街学英语到底有没有效果呢华尔街学英语实在太贵了,学了以后是不是真的如他们介绍的会有提高呢 请问您去了华尔街学英语了吗 效果怎么样? in an armchair怎么连读? 潘晓燕王长喜四级真题哪个好?rt,如果有朋友用其他人主编的真题用的顺的也不防说出来,好的话我也给分,还有模拟题哪个人主编的好?另外针对现在的710题型,应该如何复习? an amusing 怎么连读?麻烦大家用汉语音译过来啊`` 王长喜英语四级真题绍兴哪个书店有王长喜的《英语四级颠峰作文》? 梅赛德斯奔驰 这个名怎么来的 什么含义