
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 06:32:08
this,girl,take.off,old,tall,young,的反义词是什么? the a() of this book is a very young girl some people believe that the date and time of their( )(生日)decide what kind of person they are.We all( )(想知道)how the baby dog found its mother.The Moon travels around the( )(地球)about once a month.If you know the answer to my question,a some pets are very dirty and n--------.some pets even bite people首字母填空Dogs can help people h------animals for food.Dogs can help blind people cross the road safely 一小段中文翻译成英语改革开放30年中国经济的快速发展造就了一大批成功管理者,根据我的亲身经历,成功管理者有如下特征,创新、有抱负、目标清析、坚持、具有拼搏精神.但关于诚信与正 Some people are old at 18 and some are young at 90… time is a concept that humans created 百分之四十英语如何表示 many people keep animals___pets 百分之五十的英文表达? Why,in your opinion,do so many people expect to make friends on line?中文也行,给点建议吧... 英语中占...的百分之多少,怎么表达,举例说明 求一篇描写家庭的英语作文 1、How many people are there in your family?2、What do your parents do?求一篇描写家庭的英语作文1、How many people are there in your family?2、What do your parents do?What about you?3、What are you 改错:How many people do live in your home 英语翻译你所要的都是长尺码的产品,这样的产品在中国市场很少,并且价格也普遍很高 the what white doing is girl in )连词成句五年级英语练习与测试全新修本第7课50页c第4题 用"my,in,sister,girl,is,the,white"连词成句 a girl she is kind连词成句 70.64%用英语怎么表达? “70年代的香港”用英语表达是什么? usd5732.70 英文怎么表示.70应该是point seventy吧 我孩子快上小学了,想问下几岁开始学英语最好? 从小开始学英语有什么好处? 想知道多大可以开始学英语呢? 你能告诉我一种更地道的表达方式讲我刚才说的意思表达出来吗,英语翻译这句, people who spend money to go to a gym to lose weight are so silly spend为什么这样用不是spend doing吗还可以用同样用法的都有哪些 英语翻译The most surprising thing about it,however,is that it can land anywhere我的直译:关于它最惊奇的事情,然而,是它可以在任何地方着陆.书上的是:然而最令人惊奇的是它能够在任何地方着落.到底哪 We shouldn't spend our money testing so many people,most of __ are healty. 为什么用whom不用 who,详请快一点帮我回答,赶时间,谢谢! 此为非限制性定语从句,关系词的使用要以先行词在从句中所担任的句子 1.It's____(silly)of you to spend so much money on clothes2.Lisa said she wanted to get her ears_____(pierce)3.Both Jet and Jerry got their driver's______(license)last month4.Julie bought a pair of _______(earring)for her mother on her birthday5.L 用一根60厘米长的铁丝做一个正方体框架.如果给这个框架的表面贴上一层纸,至少需要多少平方厘米的纸 我的小孩刚读一年级,学英语的复读机是买录音带复读机好,还是英语同步读书机好?请谈谈,顺便推荐一下复读机和读书机的牌子和性能.哪种性价比合适一点?英语同步读书机是指那些读书郎读 我小孩上三年级要学英语,请问有经验的家长是买复读机好还是点读机好? 8岁 小孩 学英语 用复读机 好 还是 点读机 好