
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 16:34:56
some of them would like ( to have)some tea rather than ( have) some coffee.第二个空为什么添have 而不是to have. I'd rather have some nuts.(同义句) I'd_____ _____have some nuts. 在英语上怎样把直接引语改成间接引语如I have just arrived in Scotland I have just arrived in Scotland. 为什么用in那,in不是在什么的里面的意思吗? How do you spend the spring festival?英语作文 假设你是李华'你打算给同学们分享你帮助家长做家务的经验.英语作文 you need more hard work on/in your English. you need more hard work on your English.这句话有问题没有?若有怎么改?为什么?work 不是也可作名词吗? 英文介绍google谁有英文文章介绍google的?发给我一篇. 网络语言B的意思 英语翻译My name is TsukimisakeI could not speak EnglishI welcome anyone watch my videohave funI play bassI very like TissueHimesama!DAISUKI!人名不用翻 DAISUKI也不用= = I need someone to help me of the housework i need someone to help me with the housework.的区别 stelle need more two hands to help me with the work这句话的语法关于more Hi im from America and i need help with some biology ap work.Thank You =]1.To investigate the structure and function of ecosystems,ecologists may construct a microcosm using organisms and materials from the ecosystem.Properly constructed,these model 请问如何用英文解释“农历”最好能让不懂“农历”的外国人清楚明白!拜托!谢谢!越详细越好 I need some volunteer to help with the washing up什么意思 中国的农历和阴历英文怎么说啊? 农历用英文怎么说 Do you now that animals have love for each other and their children just like us humans?Let me tell you some moving stories of great animal parents.Several years ago a heavy rain hit a town and made the river go up.When the rain stopped,people found i have a sister and()five children A,the other B other C another D others后面是for的话,那么前面是cost spend pay 还是take 某银行开设了一个窗口办理业务,按顾客“先到达,先服务”的方式服务,该窗口每3分钟服务一位顾客,已知当窗口开始工作时,已有5位顾客在等,在开窗2分钟后,一位新顾客到达,且预计以后每6分 银行营业厅开业,顾客前来办理业务.开1个窗口,15分钟客满.开2个,30分钟客满.若随到随办最少开几个窗列式计算 英语日期加了个农历,该怎么表达?公元1405年农历7月11日,地球蓝色的海洋上出现了一支庞大的船队,前后有208艘船On July 11th,lunar calendar,1405 AD,a huge fleet of 208 ships appeared in the blue sea of the earth.On l What festival is on March 8th?What did you do last Spring Festival? 阴历日期,英语怎么写?英语标注日期的规则? 风筝翻译 风筝 翻译 比较城市和乡村写一编英语短文怎么写啊更干净 更安静 更清新 更脏 更吵闹 更绿 更高 更忙碌 更宽 一个银行的储蓄所如果只开一个窗口,15分钟后大厅就站满人,如果开两个窗口,30分钟后大厅也可以站满人,假设每分钟前来办理业务的人数不变,办理每位顾客的业务时间不变,要是顾客随到随办 英语翻译海的思念绵延不绝终于和天在地平线交汇爱如果走的够远应该也会和幸福相接如果一切暗淡,那么请你给我,一米阳光麻烦翻译这两段话,要求:不要有语病,最好词句优美. 业务办理大厅,如开一个接待窗口,15分钟后大厅站满人;如开两个,20分钟后站满人.假设每分钟来?业务办理大厅,如开一个接待窗口,15分钟后大厅站满人;如开两个,20分钟后站满人.假设每分钟来 英语翻译香港分为三部分:香港岛\九龙\新界.1842年只是割让了香港岛,并没有涉及其余两个.1898年,租用了九龙和新界,租期99年