
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 05:54:52
This is an animal对an animal提问 世界上什么动物最大?除了哺乳动物... 北极有比北极熊更凶猛的哺乳动物吗我以前在动物世界看过好象还有一种动物,长得也象北极熊,但是有长尾巴,好象叫什么贪食兽?说一口能咬死北极熊,有这种动物吗?我记得是以前在中央台看 哺乳动物是动物的一种高级形式,您知道世界上跑得最快的哺乳动物是什么吗? There doesn’t seem to be much hope of our beating that team.不是很懂...这种句型..还有seem的单复数形式... there doesn't seem to be much chance of my getting the job.to be 属于什么用法,去掉可以吗 ____there are many diferent interpretations of our body language,some gestures seem to be universal.A.When B While C If D As There doesn't seem to be much chance for his research group to make breakthrough in the field_____ to be much chance for his research group to make breakthrough in the field.A.This doesn't seem B.There hasn't seemed C.There doesn't seem D.It doesn't I like soccer but I c ____ play soccer I'd like ____ (play) soccer 主题 珍惜生命,懂得感恩 的作文有哪些谢谢了, 英语翻译 there doesn't seem to have been any trouble in solving the problem 句首为什么不用It 而用there ___doesn't seem to have been any difficulty solving the problem.A,there B,it ____doesn't seem to have been any difficulty solving theprobelm.A.It B.He C.There D.that选择哪个呢?为什么?一般来讲,应该是A! ____doesn't seem to have been any trouble in solving this problemA ItB thereC thatD he答案是b,我想问怎么解释这个选项.并请分析下为什么不选a为什么是there be的句型呢?怎么看出来的呢? 一只断了翅膀的蝴蝶为什么还能飞?(解释你的回答) Unlickily there many thousands of children w____ can not go to school. 学校新建一个跳远用的沙坑,长6m,宽3m,深1m,现在运来13.5m³沙子,可以铺多厚?列式子计算 U_____ there are thousand of children who can not go to school. Tens of thousands of school children是什么意思?thousands of 是成千上万的意思,那前面的Tens of呢? Is there a school __children __5-8?A.of,for B.for,for C.for,of D.of,of there are still a lot of children who are out of school in r_____ areas of China如题 为什么都不懂得珍惜、理解、感恩? 我们学会了理解和分享,懂得了感恩和担当仿写句子 要求句式相同 语意连贯 蝴蝶的翅膀断了 该如何处理 征文 《阅读,让我们懂得感恩、珍惜与热爱》怎么写?1000以下,不要太少, 请问蝴蝶的翅膀断了还能长好么?那只是我前几天捡的,只是残缺了一点,没有全断,也长不好了么? 蝴蝶吃什么?蝴蝶的翅膀断了怎么办? 为什么蝴蝶断了翅膀还能飞(好像是个冷笑话) 小米红米手机第三次是什么时候开始抢购?就想知道是九月二日还是三日,上次看了忘记了.有没有抢购办法 0.5M硫酸怎么配