
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 21:33:58
自我介绍的文章题目起什么好啊,有那些文章名字能更吸引读者啊?就想生活在什么的放的我啊.发挥想象力啊....自我介绍的名字啊...如果回答的好给提100分.抒情的也可以....有意思啊 电放提单英语怎么说? 电放提单已经做出来了,还能再改提单么电放提单发给客户,他突然说要改产品描述,还有shipping mark,可以改的了么 英语翻译1.我们应当尽力防止水被污染.__________________.2.谁也不可避免自己一生不犯错误.No one can________himself______________in his life.3.他勇于创新,所以人们总是给予他很高的评价.He is always___________ 求一首英文歌名和中英互译歌词是He was a boyShe was a girlCan i make it any more obviousHe was a punkShe did balletWhat more can i sayHe wanted herShe'd never tell secretly she wanted him as wellBut all of her friendsStuck up their noseT 请问提单是要电放吗?用英语怎么说? 如何确定一个好的文章标题 关于“感恩”的文章题目起什么好文章内容是写炎热的夏天给爸爸妈妈扇风的经过,这个内容起什么题目好? 文章题目中的大师一是具体指 英语翻译 英语翻译this dictionary__ __my sister. Our attitude towards life is _____ makes the difference between our being happy and successful or not.A.that B.what C.which D.whetherwhether为什么不行?后面不是有or not呗 Our attitude towards life is that _what____ makes the difference between our being happy and succesis important.这句话怎么分析? and walking shoes should be flat,with little difference in height between the heel and the ball of the foot.4565 求全句翻译.想知道的语言点:1—should be+adj表示推测吗?2—in height 这里的in表示什么?怎么翻译? 对于现在英语忘光光,基础又不好的我来说,英语四级怎么过啊? 英语四级怎么过?忘完了~ How do you learn best?整篇短文翻译. 英语四级怎么复习怎么过?忘完了~有木有用数学方法做的? 四级英语忘报了怎么办?十万火急,. 一般提单是几个正本几个复本呢?经常看到ful set (3/3) shipped on board B/L...这个3/3代表的是什么意思?3个正本吗? 为你打开一扇门文章标题吸引人的原因是什么?如果换一个题目 你会选什么? 写人文章标题?在人生崎岖坎坷的旅途上,是谁给予你最真诚、最亲切的关爱,是谁对你嘘寒问暖,时刻给予你无私的奉献;是谁不知疲倦地教导着你为人处世的道理;是谁为了你的琐事而烦恼? 怎么才能使文章题目更吸引人 1 She stayed there until the rain stopped.(同义句)She _____ _____ there until the rain stopped.2 It took me $50 to buy the ticket.(同义句)I _____ $50 for the ticket.3 她能胜任这项工作.She _____ _____ _____ the job. 寻找英文高手,帮我翻译.(把下面的东西复制到excle中)No. "Item Description" Size "FlangeTypeANSI" "Quantitypc" Details1 Pipe 150mm (6") - 3,792 6 m length2 Elbow 90o 150mm (6") - 6 3 Elbow 45o 150mm (6") - 1 4 Elbow 22.5o 150mm (6 There is room for one more.意思是,尚有可以容纳一人的空位.但我不理解 为什么后面要多加一个more. 英语翻译只是一句话 翻译 英语翻译翻译全篇课文 收集数据的英语单词怎么写词组哦 用数量用?英文 个数英语怎么写 there is too much room between the horse and And and And and Cart翻译