
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 19:02:22
英语翻译:nothing R、L、C串联电路中,任何一个元件的电压都小于电路两端的电压吗? 串联电路中电子元件两端电压和什么有关?和电阻有关吗?eg电阻为零,电压不为零? 鸽子是靠什么来辨别方向的? 鸽子用什么辨别方向不要告诉我是地磁线,我想问的的是鸽子靠什么器官感觉到地磁线的!呵呵? 2013希望之星英语风采大赛什么时候播今天看新闻里说是8:45,但我白天上课,不知道晚上有没有重播. 猫狗大战2中有一句"Hate to see you go ,love to watch you leave"是什么意思,有什么出处没?求完美意译. 要将标有“6.3V,0.12A”的小灯泡连接到电压为9V的电源上,必须______(选填“串”或“并”)联一个________Ω的电阻.灯泡正常工作时这个电阻消耗的功率是________W. 用所给的单词组成句子.see things other what you can suggest的用法suggest sb. doing sth.还是suggest doing sth.阿? 找出带有单元音和双元音的单词各10个 要带英标 和意思 什么叫"语素",在现代汉语里词语语素是怎么定义的? 什么是语素组? 龙头由几个语素构成? i hate you leave on the strees,是哪首歌里面的,偶而听到的,谁知道?i hate you leave on the stree 英语翻译I.hate.to.leave.you.是啥意思? I have to leave to you on street 音乐帝来,感激不尽.. You'd better( )your sunglasses.Strong sunlight s bad for your eyes.1.clean2.wear3.make4.with 鸽子为什么会辨别方向 You'd better wear cool clothes in summer.的同义句 at ease怎么翻译 高手帮我翻译这句话 i feel at ease as long as you are with me 反义语素组成成语( )违两可 ( )末倒置 ( )武双全 ( )守同盟 ( )中不渝( )学相长 ( )足之情 ( ) 不偿失 ( )不敌众 ( )不如昔( )里偷闲 ( )中求生 ( )以继日 ( )而忘私 ( )而复 两对反义语素的成语 Can( )Jim help her mother with?填空 含两对反义语素的成语,不管什么方面 含两对近义语素的成语,不管什么方面 写出10个含有反义语素的成语.例:进退两难 得不偿失 i help my mother____her housework.填do or with?为什么? you'd better ____in the sun .it's bad for your eyes.A.not read .B.not to read C.don't read D.to not read We'd better ______ sleep in the bad.I think it's not good for your eyes.We'd better ______ sleep in the bed.I think it's not good for your eyes. smart 比较级 是什么