
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 20:46:22
If you are more careful,you will do better in your study(保持原句意思不变)_______________ _____________and you will do better in your study. 问下关于relax的基础用法,relax [简明英汉词典]vi.放松,休息,休养,变从容vt.使松驰,缓和,使松懈,使休息比如:Enjoying a good hobby can help people relax.不明白relax不是动词么,怎么放到后面去了?又没有to Lily got to school ______(early)of all this morning. relax的相关知识和详细用法,要有举例 relax的用法问题(初二)Everybody thinks that you need ( ) yourself in the coundryside.用所给词的适当形式填空,所给词是relax请写出应填入的词并说明理由 我的女儿,用英语写是不是My daughter? 丫头声音是真是假?黑涩会美眉吖头的声音到底是真的还是假的呢?我需要更详细的回答啊 求形容人嗓音voice的各种形容词就是形容voice(作为“嗓音”义)这一词的形容词.比如说形容女性声音甜美为sweet voice,男性声音“好听”或“有磁性”可尝试gentil voice,依次类推,类似的形容各 伶官传序是谁写的? relax的名词形式 relax有几种形式? 请问relax的形容词形式是什么就我说 it is ____________ 这个形容词是relaxed还是relaxing注意:一般情况好像是relaxing 但我听说这个词有点特殊.有谁可以告诉我呢 C# dictionary排序问题我定义了一个static Dictionary nameProcess = new Dictionary();其中pProcess是一个类.这个类里有几个属性.我想按照某个属性给这个Dictionary的值排序,请问有什么简便的方法没 relax后加人使用什么形式'如:relax him 还是 relax himself为什么呢? everybody relax 为什么不加单三 跟message很像的一个p开头的英文单词 有个短语 in the ... brilliant,clever,wise.smart.intelligent他们的用法? gift intelligent clever 区别? He graduated from college __ his parents divorcedA which B before C while D that v.more adv.这样的结构对吗?比如 work more efficiently? The new flexible working time system will enable the(employ)to work more efficiently It's only a shower.It will_over soon.A,be B,is选择?为什么 graduated from graduated的词性 它算是过去式吗?graduated from graduated的词性 它算是过去式吗? this is my fanily photo,同义句改写 graduated from 和 graduated in 有什么区别? graduated from 和 graduated in 有什么区别? This is my photo 同意句 I graduate from与I graduated from有什么区别? how do you feel when you are treated rudely. 固态碘和气态碘都能使淀粉变蓝说明分子有什么性质 注意是【分子有什么性质】 online dictionary什么意思如题 用has/have been或has/have gone填空:(有缩写,请见谅) She ____ to the cinema this evening.She ____ to the cinema this evening.She ____ already ____ to the cinema three times this week.I ____ not ____ to the market today.I saw you in Anna