
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 09:47:52
play piano or play the piano? 短文改错-高一英语--急!Dear Helen,Thank you so much for your party at Christmas Eve.All 1.___of them enjoyed it very much.We liked the dishes you had 2.___cooked but we were happy to learn the English songs you taught 3.___us.We hope you'll t 天气有哪些单词 根据日记内容,用所给的词适当填在括号里,并回答问题.Friday,October 20It was sunny today,and everyone in my class ( 1 )(be)busy.We went to the Guangming farm and worked with our teachers.We( 2 )(get)to the farm at about half past e I made a chocolate cake for my sister the day before yeaterday,But she ___didn't like it at all. 小学六年级的英文单词a开头 she didn't like the porridge__it was too salty.a becauseb butc befored so 请讲解 It ____that she didn't like your idea 翻译.I bought my sister a present ,but she didn't like it. 三国演义阅读题和选择题1、孔明与司马懿对战,魏将皆知孔明以( )辱司马懿,司马懿受之不战,反而问孔明身体状况,孔明病死前命( )造木像,令魏都督丧胆.2、刘备从( )处得知“伏龙、 Tomorrow is Grandma's birthday.Let's make______for her.A.something specialB.special somethingC.some specialD.some special thing这里为什么选A, 数列末项为n的平方,求数列的前n项和. 用所给次的比较级或最高级填空:(每空一词)The moon is _____ _____of the three.(small)The moon is _____ _____the Earth.(light)The moon flower is _____than those flowers.It's______in the flwers.(red)The place is _____ than that place.(dr Is he at home?的同一句He feels happy.happy划线 刘备是哪部名著中的人物,是三国演义吗? 做查字典的题时填写音节加不加音调我们语文考试完后,有一道题是考查字典的.比如:“蚌”用(音序查字法)时,应先查大写字母(B),再查音节( ).就是这点我很不确定,因为我搞不清做 求新目标九年级英语朗读,各位帮忙,发邮箱邮箱:cyjis088@163.com ,谢谢 求新目标九年级英语录音!MP3格式的!为了赶进度已经开九年级的英语了!有书,但是没有磁带! 音节有声调吗音节包括哪几部分 音节需不需要音调 整体认读节没加声调是音节吗 有关动物的情感故事?讲一个有关动物的情感故事,然别人从你描述中体会到动物的情感,加深对动物的了解和认识 动物的母爱行为.如狐狸的母亲在自己的孩子长大以后会把他赶出巢穴,强迫他开始独立生活. 关于名著三国演义的英语作文 什么(必须是地名)的秋天作文 我想下个英语发音词典手机版,还有手机睇股的,有无网址啊... 208年,曹操在赤壁与孙、刘联军交战,战争的目的是( )A.统一北方 B.统一黄河流域 C.统一全国 D.统一江东 修改病句: 1、《三国演义》中,曹操中了反奸计.致使赤壁大败,几乎全军覆没 .2、赛场上,甲乙两队正在争夺冠亚军.3、我在飞机上俯瞰祖国的沧海桑田,被眼前的美景陶醉了.4、他荣获了“十 三国,赤壁,曹操:什么情况? 三国演义中曹操的所有情节及相对的曹操性格特点 (例如:《火烧赤壁》中看出曹操(怎样)的性格) 三国演义中,除周瑜,诸葛亮外,还有哪些人助孙刘联军获赤壁大捷 数学 积分一题∫1/(x^2+a^2)^n dx问下思路,除了递推有别的简便方法吗?