
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 02:52:59
选词填空~10个 10道选词填空, 鲸和松鼠写作的不同 【填介词】There are many people waiting _____the bus at the bus stop . 什么叫做地点状语哦 this is the shop ___sells apple 这里填 which还是 where为什么呢 some people crowded into the bus____(stop)怎么填 This is the place where he works where作状语This is the place which we visited which作宾语这二道题与那些区别,where,which 有什么区别 Although the causes of cancer ___,we do not yet have any practical way to prevent it.are being uncovered/ have been uncovering选哪个答案对呢,为什么?答案是are being uncovered 为什么呢? 英语高考28.Although the causes of cancer ____,we do not yet have any practical way to prevent it.28.Although the causes of cancer ____,we do not yet have any practical way to prevent it.A.are being uncovered B.have been uncovering C.are uncoverin 鄱阳湖属于断裂湖吗 描写夜的静的诗句,请知道的告诉我谢谢了#11 鄱阳湖洞庭湖在流域上属什么湖 14.(12分)某班举行文艺晚会.桌子摆成两直条(如图中的AO,BO),AO桌面上摆满了桔子,OB桌面上摆满了糖果,坐在C处的学生小明先拿桔子再拿糖果,然后回到座位,请你帮助他设计一条行走路线,使其 The huge crowds _____ lots of money for the economics of Mediterranean countries.A.spend B.take C.mean D.pay(答案是C,B为什么不可以?)But there are ____ that the area is getting more tourism than it can deal with.A.sighs B.signals C.signs D.si 在线测厚仪测量原理有哪些? (not open)the windows.It istoo cold today. Keep the windows ________(close).It's too cold today. Would you please ______ (not open) the window?It's cold outside 日月潭是台湾省最大的一个湖对吗? 台湾岛除了日月潭还有什么名胜古迹 台湾省的风景名胜除了日月潭还有什么 这几天一直写作文,我都不知道写什么了.希望各位“神仙哥哥、姐姐”来帮帮我. ZTMS08激光测厚仪有什么特点.性能强大吗? ZTMS08测厚仪有什么特点啊?做测厚系统需要几个这样的测厚仪呢? 激光测厚仪和一般的测厚仪的区别? 激光测厚仪的原理是什么? 接触式测量与非接触测量有什么不同,能否以ZTMS08测厚仪为例说明一下? It is too cold in the room. We have to keep the air-conditioner ___ all dayA. opening B. running C. open D. ran答案选A,请问C为什么不对?open 做宾语补足语. opened和open都做形容词时有什么区别?keep the windows open还是opened? 我第一次骑马对不起了,没钱了55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 鄱阳湖水位降低的原因是什么?请帮助解决从地理角度分析,有什么解决措施,非常感谢阿 鄱阳湖水位的高低,在季节上有什么变化?变化的原因是什么?为什么不能围湖造田?