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初二英语单项选择题技巧 ( )1.- What did you do just now?- I ______ a hole for planting the tree.正确答案是:dug( )2.There's someone ______ the door.Who can it be?正确答案是:at( )3.His daughter does's live with him,but she gives him a ring______.A.ev She____the national table tennis team in 1988.A joins B joined C took part in D took part join这个词是指加入团队组织并成为一员,而着题是说她加入了国家桌球队的一员,不是应该选B吗?为什么会选C呢?希望大家能 1.( ) delicious food it is!A.How B.What C.what an D.what a2.Can you ( ) the basketball game?A.join B.play C.take .D.join in -Don not fouget ( ) your dictionary here to school.-OK,I will remember that.A.to bring B.bringing C.to take D.taking主要是在A,C上纠结,老师说正确答案是A,我实在搞不懂为什么,看看到底选A还是C,如果是A请写下原因, ( )16.What is the matter_______ Joe?A.with B.of C.about D.for( )17.Please cut_______ the banana_______ small pieces.A.off,to B.off,intoC.up,into D.up,to( )18.Gina was ill yesterday,_______ she still went to school.A.and B.or C.so D.but( )19._______ m ———Who do you think shoould go there,Ruth or Rose?———____________.A、Don't ask me like that(请翻译)B 、Any of them(请翻译)C、Sorry,it's hard to say(请翻译)D、They all(请翻译) 英语翻译you can have a Mickey T-shirt as a sigh of Member in the camp 英语翻译Each child can take part in only one of the following activities 英语翻译I prefer doing more exercises to spending money.是不是prefer doing sth.为什么to后面接spending,不接spend 英语翻译You can't get spmething if you only want it,but don't make it come.这句话的意思是?A.We must first know what happiness is.B.Happiness never comes to those who want it .C.you should do something to have happiness.请说明为什么 英语翻译Buses going to the town center will leave the gate every hour on the half hour during the day.关于这句话的一个问题At which of the following times will the bus leave the gate?A.8:00 ,9:00 ,10:00 ,11:00B.8:30,9:30,10:30,11:30.c.8: 初二英语翻译句子(3句)1.我在上学的路上遇见了TOM.2.昨晚我花了两个小时写作业(“花了”用两种方式)3.他在美国工作5年了. 英语翻译1.live cheaply2.cheap living always starts with keeping the big cost small.3.she managed to take two trips 是用英语解释英语1、CCTV 10 holds a national English competition every year.解释holds2、We dragger the box into the house with ropes.解释with3、If you try hard,you will succeed in reaching your goal.解释succeed in reaching 初二英语句子let‘s look up the new word in the dictionary,( A.shall we B.will you C.don't we求翻译,求思路,求句型, 英语翻译就像机器需要运转一样,身体也需要锻炼 求英语关于环境保护的句子 翻译英语环保句子1.如何保护环境已经成为世界最大难题之一2.垃圾污染环境,损害健康,不要到处扔垃圾3.废水流到河里,湖里和田野里,污染农作物,杀死大量的鱼4.保持环境干净和整洁,我们只 英语 环境保护 句子关于保护环境的英语句子,不要短文. 英语翻译1.当我说认识你的时,我是说我认识昨天的你.我不认识现在的你2.天下奇迹无数,却无一比人更奇妙3人应该生活,而非单纯生存4.如果你独自一人笑了,那是真心的笑5.该说话时说话,该沉 英语翻译空气污染将一天天地越来越严重,除非我们做些有益的事结果他们都觉得不舒服我们中没有人喜欢污染 英语翻译1.Each of the patients started out with an accurate grasp of reality,which,through meticulous and methodical dismissal,was demolished until the only reality the patient could trust was catatonia.2.The essay relentlessly straightforward ab 英语翻译1.我认识她己经有4年了.2.她的样子看似很斯文,但其实是一个活泼好动的人.3.因为我们有很多共同兴趣,所以我们成为了好朋友.4.我和她一样都很喜欢娃娃.5.我相信我们永远都是好朋 英语翻译今晚我一点都不开心,心很冷,很疼.急用. 英语翻译(过去时)午餐后下山,4点回家,筋疲力尽 中文句子翻译成英文句!谢谢不要试图用假话欺骗别人,其实心里在清楚不过了! 谁能帮我翻译一下这几句英语,RT,不要百度翻译,略坑……顺便看看有没有什么错误……1.She have no room to live in.2.I need a chair to sit on.3.She needs a pencil to write with.4.Hear is a piece of paper to write on.5.Dogs 英语翻译Go to hell!Go to the devil!son of a bitchDamn you!You beast!You damned bastard!Idiot!You damned fool!I'll see you in hell first!You hypocrite! 英语翻译1.古代奥运会起源于希腊的奥林匹亚.2.几个世纪后,当代奥运会于1896年在雅典开始3.从那以后,越来越多的国家更愿意主办奥运会.因为被当选不仅是一种荣誉,而且也是责任.4.奥运会的 英语翻译我不再了解她了,我爱着的是高中时的那个她,我想,等我真正了解她之后再考虑会不会爱上她 谁可也帮我翻译下这几句英文句子?Hiya How are you currently doing? I love your page. Would you like to check out my own private photographs?