
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/27 00:46:41
5.如图3,在三角形ABC中,∠A=m°,∠ABC和∠ACD的平分线交于点A1,得∠A1;∠A1BC和∠A1CD的平分线交于点A2,得∠A2,∠A2012BC和∠2012CD的平分线交于点A2013,则∠A2013= 第五题不清晰,第六题还行 Peole believe that the story is true 同义句--- --- --- that the story is true. I don not believe that the story is true是什么句型结构 《怀念母亲》读后感 6.怀念母亲的读后感 they say life is full of surprises,that your dream can really come true.这句话里面that是起什么用that引导的是什么从句呢 what if you couldn't see the dream you are pursuing for the whole life? Pursue breakthroughs in your life.Dream that I cherished all have come true. No matter what ,just do not give up .Always believe that your dream can come true & just keep work What is your dream for the future?If you to make your dream come true,What are you going to do?Including:1.What is my future dream?2.What am Igoing to do?叫我们写篇60字左右小作文?请问大侠们怎么写?我连题目都看不懂?我写的 生物,历史,地理.政治八上期中复习提纲还有地理捏 What is your dream job?(Say at least two reason)作文题60词左右六年级水平 高中作文to make my dream come true字数 150字.随便写.所以叫随便写。编个梦想总会吧~我是没啥梦想啦-_,-.....要不就写我想当医生 就写 怎么去完成我的梦想 六年级上册数学课课练钟书版单元测试B答案李家和王家共养了521头牛,李家的牛群中有67%是母牛,而王家的牛群中仅有十三分之一是母牛,李家和王家各养了多少头牛?六年级上册数学课课练延 六年级上数学课课练第四页答案快!!!今天,可以没有题目,但有答案 作文,《难忘的成长经历》,主要词是成长, Maybe it is true that we do not know what we have got until we lose it,but it is also true that we 谁能帮我翻译一下 Maybe it is ture ,that we do not know what we have got until we lost it 有一首歌 女的唱的 中间歌词为:Don't you know that it's true…… it is true that we do not know what we have got until we lose itthat 可以省略吗? people don't know the value ___they have until it's gone.A that B what C which很抱歉,此题错了,不必回答了。 甲、乙、丙三个数的平均数是74.8,甲是18.8,乙和丙相等,乙是几? 已知向量a(-2,-1),向量b=(λ,1),若向量a与b的夹角为钝角,则实数λ的取值范围是是(-1/2,2 )U(2,∞) 还是(-1/2 ,0 )U(0,∞) 老舍、我的母亲、读后感帮帮忙、我很急拉、今天等着用、各位哥哥姐姐帮个忙. 胡适《我的母亲》读后感600字左右,最好不要超过中学生水品.急 函数y=mx-x+m²-1,是正比例函数,求m的值 八下的教科书的第二课《我的母亲》读后感~ 我的母亲读后感急啊 三峡文章结尾作者不再写山写水写树而是写猿鸣写渔者歌目的是什么 已知y=(m²-m)x+m²是正比例函数,则m=?课时训练,40页 m² 初二数学已知y=(m²-m)x 是正比例函数,求m的值 已知向量a=(m,1),向量b=(2,m)的夹角为钝角,求m的取值范围