
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/09 04:41:07
SAT考试前填的考生信息表怎么填?名字是全大写还是首字母大写?日期的顺序(年月日还是日月年?)家庭住址格式我也忘了怎么写,也麻烦具体讲一下.反正考过SAT的大侠们都懂,在临考前要填的 The boy went into his room t____ the window because he lost his keys ____years ago,a man took many animals to his home.四个选项A.Three hundred of B.Three hundreds of CThree hundred D.Three hundreds I was doing my homework when he is ___ (clean) the house he___ his homework when i left my house .A.is doing B.was doing C.did D.does He ran into the classroom,___a letter in his hand.(拿着) he went into the room without anything in his hand同义句he went into the room _____ _______in his hand When she was listening to the music,she was doing her homework.同义句 whlie i was doing my homework,my mum was doing her housework.和whlie i was doing my homework,my mum did her housework.有什么区别?请在23点前给答案! our parents and teachers often tell us that we can't be careful enough no matter what we do.can"t和句子的意思 our parents often tell us_____sports every morning.A doing B to do C to ding D do 三个分数的和为99分之65,弟一分数是弟二个分数的3分之1,弟二分数是弟三个分数的3分之1,则三个分数各为 1/1,1/2,2/1,1/3,2/2,3/1…这串分数中,1999/2000是第几个分数? 游泳者在河中逆流而上,在A桥下面将水壶遗失被水冲走.继续游了20min后发现水壶遗失,于是立即返回找水壶,在桥下游距桥A2千米处的桥B出找到水壶找到水壶.问水流速度是多少?(假设游泳者在静 外贸邮件中ire quire是什么意思 quire的翻艺是什么 whether should we tell our parents our troubles or not 1.we can learn a lot ---our parents and grandparents 2.my mother taught me---tell lies3.she hopes---a reporter4.I m bole s fan.I watch him in every one of his---- 英语TE是什么意思 预期研究成果怎么写 两根同样长的铁丝第一根剪去十分之三米第二根剪去它的十分之三,剩下的部分哪根长有几种可能?说说你的想请一一列举,写清楚! 根据语境在括号内填写合适的语句:溪流、湖泊、山泉是大自然的杰作.大自然有了水而有了水的灵性,水是有灵魂的.水的灵魂如少女一般韵味十足,如(),如() 仪器的英文说法?有好几个单词表示仪器,器具,总是搞不清,谁帮我分析一下,appliance implement apparatus device machine 仪器采用以10(用E表示)为底的指数---翻译成英语 U={} A∈U 且A={x|x+px+4=0}求A的补集 数列{an}中,a1=2,an+1=an+cn,(c是常数,n=1,2,3...),且a1,a2,a3,成公比不为1的等比数列,求{an}的通项公式 A1=2,A(n+1)=An+Cn(C是常数,n=1,2,3...),a1,a2,a3成公比不为1的等比数列,求An的通项公式. 1931-1936关内关外的抗日救亡运动中发生的故事?告诉我这其中的故事越多越好,要短小精炼的 关内关外抗日救亡运动的分类? 关内关外的抗日救亡运动有哪四种力量 第一次和第二次国共合作破裂的异同点. wherever you go 是哪首歌的歌词wherever you go whatever you do