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请帮忙作这套英语试题3六、完形填空(10分)Mike: Hello, Kate! Do you want 1________ milk?Kate: No, thanks. I don’t like 2___C¬¬¬¬¬¬_________.Mike: Don’t you? I like it very much, and 3____________ good for 请帮忙作这套英语试题2五、连词成句.(10)1.where my is game computer________________________________________(?)2.the is clock his table on________________________________________ (.)3.under it the is chair________________________________ 请帮忙作这套英语试题1三、 单项选择.( )1.---Is this ____ computer?---Yes._____ is _____computer.A.his; It; me B.your; This; his C.you; It; his D.your; It; my( )2.---How do you spell “ring”?---___________.A.R-I-N-G B.A ring C.It’s 三道初中英语单项选择1.It's a cecret between us.Don't tell anybody.Sure,_________.A.I do B.I don't C.I will D.I won't2.I prefer to_____at home rather than_____for a walk.It's raining heavily.A.staying,going out B.stay ,going outC.stay,go out 1、 I was late for the meeting .I ____ the road was so icy.A don't think B hadn't thought C wasn'tthinking D hasn't thought2/ As a student ,you should bear ___in mind that knowledge is power.A it B which C that D /求翻译3/ By 2010 ,water users in 有没有人会做 有没有人会做啊 有没有人可以做? 有没有人可以告诉我该怎么做我觉得自己在爱情方面非常的神经质,就是我会把很多精力放在里面,然后把对方管得很紧,他去哪里,他和谁去吃饭,什么我都要问清楚,最严重的是我疑心很重,我就 英语翻译1:how long does it take the moon to travel once around the earth?A:20hours B:28days C:12months 2:how long does it take the earth to turn once on its axis?A:20hours B:12hours C:6hours 3:why is electrical wiring usually made fro copper?A:be 新目标英语磁带里没有3A,怎么办?不会读就不能背啊...不问别人,几乎都不会读=_= 英语翻译1.父母爱子女是人类的天性(human)2.小偷用刀威胁她,然后抢走了她的手提包(threaten)3.他用一生为人权而战斗(campaign) 新目标英语八年级下38页3a、 已知函数f(x)=aInx+bx的4次方-c(x>0) 在x=1处取得极值-3-c,其中a,b,c为常数1.试确定a,b的值2.讨论函数f(x)的单调区间3.若对任意x>0,不等式f(x)≤-2c²恒成立,求c的取值范围 10 11 12 英语翻译1.他们正在卖书以筹集善款.(raise,charity)_______________________________________________2.你介意把收音机音量调大些吗?我听不清楚.(turn up)_______________________________________________3.看到这些无 一道高中数学函数题目, 第10,请解释,谢谢 英语翻译1 他专心读报,连门铃声也没听见(absorb)2 我希望我的老师能考虑到我生病的事实(fact ,account )3 为了供养一个大家庭无法做到三星期不工作(support ,afford) 函数部分,第十题 英语翻译1.他充满活力地表达了他的想法,给每个在场的人留下深刻印象(with vigour)2.他并不熟悉这两个历史人物,尽管他通晓中国古代史(familiar)3.下一次见到她时,务必要告戒她不要与那些坏小 英语翻译1.经常伴着音乐运动不仅会使我们生活质量更好,而且会使我们工作效率更高,更富有成果(lead to)2.随着经济的发展,在上海可以看到越来越多的医院和其他的医疗保健设施(facility)3.他们 There were many snakes in the f..He j.into the sea suddenly yesterday,Most people are s.of radiation. --Tim will( )the Oral English Contest next week.--Great.( ) a good chance for him to pratise English. A.join in; That's B.join; It's C.take part; That's D.take part in; It's--What is wrong with Marry,Mr Wang?--Sh 新目标英语八年级上册同步听力 《新目标英语八年级下册(课本同步听力 那里有下载 是go for it 初二英语选择,三道空的 三空 初二英语,空的3题题 初二英语(就三道)急!1.To learn English well in one day is impossible.____ ____ ____ ____English well in one day .2.Nobody likes a person with bad manners.______ _____ likes a person with bad manners.根据括号内的提示将下列句子 第三题空着的, 若函数F(x)=a的x次方(a>1),此函数的定义域和值域均为[m,n],则a的取值范围是 .这题后来我查找了是2010苏北四市联考填空题第14题,结果是(1,e的e分之一次方)看了解析没看懂 呵呵 问一道高中数学题,关于函数的