
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 08:49:17
编一个好学生被老师当同学的面打光屁屁的故事.要长,不能抄,要创新.如果违反以上规则,我评你不满意,如果长、没有抄,还创新,我会采纳你、给分你的. Please be seated,ladies and gentlemen. Time now,please,ladies and gentlemen!啥子意思哟 don't _______any noise .the baby is sleeping .A.take B.make C.taking D.making 我想买张床不知道鸡翅木跟波萝格哪种木材更好些求帮助 榆木属于木材里面的哪一类 这句英语应该怎么理解?My family is having issues with our grandparents.这句话应该怎么理解?谢谢! i love living in Venice首字母填空根据文章和首字母,填入恰当的词,使文章内容完整:I love l___1__ in Venice(威尼斯).It is z beautiful city w____2___a long history in Italy.I like it b__3___ it is very q___4__.It has a popula i love living in Venice首字母填空.根据文章和首字母,填入恰当的词,使文章内容完整:I love l___1__ in Venice(威尼斯).It is z beautiful city w____2___a long history in Italy.I like it b__3___ it is very q___4__.It has a popul love from Venice 翻译如何标准的波兰语翻译榴莲 David's team will the basketball game this sunday.I'm sure.合并为一句话 i'm sure that their team will ( )ours.A.fail B.take C.win D.beat请问应该选哪一个啊 , 自己卜卦,不懂求解,求大神解卦.自己占卜得风天小畜卦,第二爻是变爻,求的是学业.我是初学者,求大神帮忙解卦!谢谢 求地心游记英文txt 兄弟前几天占了一卦,本人男,26周岁,占事业起卦干支:癸巳年壬戌月戊辰日午时(旬空:戌亥)离宫:天火同人(归魂) 乾宫:火地晋 (游魂)六神 本卦 变卦朱雀▅▅▅▅▅子孙戌土 应 ▅▅▅▅▅青 生年:1999    性别:男    起卦方式:双数起卦    占事:爱情   公历:2013年3月26日9时18分   农历:农历癸巳年(蛇)二月十五   节气:2013年3月20日19时9分春分   年建: Peter -------(look) for a job these days. 翻译:Nothing can control our life but ourselves. At the age of 40,Peter went to Shenzhen ()(look)for a job、 Looking for a job haphazardly,because you majored in something or because you saw a listing that looks somewhat interesting,you'll risk getting started in a career that holds no real appeal for you,and then you'll have to leave it to find something e ,懂六爻的老师解卦,卦一会发 笑魇如花和笑靥如花的区别,有人说笑魇如花的魇是错别字,不知道是怎么回事, Look,Jim is working _____ a math problem. 希望得到真诚正确的答案! (Don't compare your life to thers.you have no idea what their journey is all about.No one i)是什 i say hi what's going on 求歌名 这是歌词的一小部分. 内卦为震,外卦为兑,是金上木下,为《泽雷随》卦.这句话里的震,兑是怎么看出来的?还有金上木下又是怎么来的?泽雷随又是怎么来的? In the morning,my father go to work and all chilren go to school.哪错了? 笑靥如花什么意思 笑靥如花堪缱绻,容颜似水怎缠绵? “刺骨的言语何谈笑靥如花”是什么意思?