
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 21:45:36
求翻译下医学英语Patellofemoral reaction force?到底是髌骨作用力还是髌骨反作用力还是髌骨反应力啥的?谢谢了 a positive protamine blue reaction 是什么意思 请帮忙详细解释 不只是翻译 谢谢! 紫禁城里皇上的后宫都有哪些,分别住的是什么人? Hundreds of jobs_if the factory closes.A.lose B .will be lose C.are lost D.will lose要解释 求酯化反应的原理Flash动画演示. He carride his bed on to the roof.这样提问对不对:where did he carry his bed to?提问的最后是应该用on to还是只用to 罪恶都市里的get clear of the factory英文意思是什么 those of that factory 什么意思 where did miss green tell her neighbors to carry her bookshelf? Atomic crystal Seal of Emperor The earth moves round the s 1 .When our part of the earth turns to the sun,it is d 2 .When our part of the earth turns a 3 from the sun,it is night.The sun is much bigger than the moon.But sometimes the moon looks bigger than the sun,because it is mu 造纸厂是非在用硫酸钙晶须 请问硫酸钙(石膏晶须)的晶体结构各项详细参数?包括晶胞参数,对称性等等. 唐家三少的每本小说、每本具体的女主和有多少个后宫.另求好小说、最好后宫. 速求organizational structure of LVMH, 二极管的反向击穿电压大小与温度有关,温度升高反向击穿电压增大对吗?为什么? cold是什么意思 含有百,到海的成语 带百和海的成语 cold有几种意思?分别是? The skyscraper is modern in both design and structure.其中的in both design and structure怎么翻译? Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design是什么意思 I am sorry的音标 architecture design~ 字母s发“屎”的音的单词有哪些?(sorry,音标打不出) 在美式发音中,由音标短音[ ɔ ]而变化出来的发音短音[ɑ]如office,sorry等,与原本的[ ʌ ]音的比如说body和buddy等类似的词语发音区别在哪儿.美音中 [ ɑ:]音有时会发成[æ],如dance[dæns] 求文献一篇 The Structural and Functional Diversity of Metabolite-Binding RiboswitchesA. Roth, R. R. Breaker, Annu. Rev. Biochem. 2009, 78, 305;The Structural and Functional Diversity of Metabolite-Binding RiboswitchesAnnual Review of Biochemistr EVOLUTION AND ETHICS怎么样 smart plan material是什么是一种材料管理软件,但不知道叫什么名 semifluorinated functional materials 除了翻译,最好能说说这种材料的特征结构、化学通式、特性、用途,它和全氟溶剂有木有关系的啊? cold什么意思