
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 09:59:13
Let ( ) have a look Great!let us go and have look.有什么错误 Let us have a look ___the picture 鲁提辖为何拳打镇关西 we don't know when we will have the school trip = we don't know when ___ ___the school trip 北师大八年级版,(包天仁)2009-2010年度下学期第30期答案我要是能搜到,就不问了·············· 等边△ABC内接圆O,P为弧AB上一动点,PE⊥BC于E,PD⊥AB于D,PF⊥AC于F,若园O的半径为6,试求PE+PF-PD的值 let`s piay computer games.-------that sounds i_______ let,s play computer games.Oh ,that __great A.looks b.spells c.knows d.sounds 连词成句 1class sue sports plays after 2 computer games play lets sounds that interesting 组两句 “Let’s play computer games.” “That ____ interesting.”为什么填look不行 鲁达——拳打镇关西——? see sb\sth do有没有这个词 see sb.Do sth 及其被动语态 初三数学之圆14.如图8,AB是半圆的直径, ∠DPB=600,则 的值为____.求CD/AB的值 Please c_____ the map of China blue 这句英语语法怎么分析ctivists who call for pluralism are regularly jailed and criticism of China's one-party,authoritarian system silenced. 已知数列{an}的前n项和为sn=10n_n^2(1)求通项公式(2)若bn=|an|求数列{bn}的前n项和tn 大学英语 单选题521.Other possibilities ( ) at the meeting yesterday.A were talked aboutB are talking aboutC is talked aboutD is talking aboutThis is the key ( ) an improvement of their living conditions.A ofB toC forD aboutIt is no use ( ) him 我要第33期人教版《数学辅导报》答案一定要正确的和完整我要五年级第33期人教版《数学辅导报》的答案 一定要完整的和正确的. A:( )play computer games! B:( )sounds interesting,( )I don't have a ( )很急 数列an前n项和Sn=n平方-10n(n=1,2,3,````)则an等于多少快···谢拉· 牵女孩的左手和右手有什么不同的意义 如果说握手是左手握左手,右手握右手.我们都互相喜欢,那天出来最后还是不能在一起.分别的时候,他说,我有个要求,我能握下你的手吗.我伸出我的右手.可能因为那时车已经来了,他匆匆地伸出 it sounds------to play computer games选择题a.relax b.relaxing c.relaxed d.to relax为什么 用on.right.the.market.is.fruit.your连成陈述句 200字以上的古文初中阶段可以理解的古文,要原文而且从头到尾的! 握手是出左手还是右手啊? 如何背高中的文言文(在1个半小时内背完200字左右) 要一段文言文的评析200字就这段文言文(底下有翻译),写个200字的评析齐破燕赵欲存之 齐破燕,赵欲存之.乐毅谓赵王曰:“今无约而攻齐,齐必雠赵.不如请以河东易燕地于齐.赵有河北,齐有 street central还是street center?the post office is at the street c__? at,post office,the,get,off怎么连词成句