
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 20:39:16
宋江为什么要投靠朝廷啊? 水浒里面梁山好汉直接反对宋江投靠朝廷的是哪几位?诸葛亮为什么挥泪斩马谡? 宋江投靠朝廷后 梁山108将的后事如何? 初二数学题,各位学霸们帮帮忙啊! The most important intentions Our PE teacher ____us try very hard in the running practice fo 800 meters答案和讲解A asked B made C let D told Our PE teacher made us try very hard in the practice.为什么用made 不用 let? Running in the hallway is not allowed in our school.We ___ ___ ___ ___ in the hallway in our schoo 英文读后感(不少于1000词) 1—14 mounting empirical evidence suggests that many animal experiments are performed callously without any need to the discomfort or pain that laboratory mammals endure.想问:1—mounting empirical evidence suggests that:suggest翻译成建议 mounting empirical evidence suggests that many animal experiments are performed callously without any heed to the discomfort or pain that laboratory mammals endure.怎么翻译? 英语的语感方面很薄弱,求能提高语感的好方法 Although we cant see them,there is air around us改错 We can not s______air,but there is air all around us and it gives life to every living t______ 这辆自行车太贵了.This bike is ____ ____ expensive. situation 后同位语用that 还是where是不是后面只能用that 不能用where 这是安和玛丽的自行车英语 This is ()()()bike Our school ( )a library 填has 还是have Surely the husband has the right to make the decisions () it is who pays the bills.A.since B.although C,so D,that选A~请问为什么? __the right decesions__the future is probably the most important things we'll ever do in our lives.A.Making concerned B.Make concerningC.To make concerned D.Making concerningconcerned和concerning到底怎么区分? This bike is Lily"s.That bike isLucy"s.They are Lily and Lucy"s写得对吗 That 's Lily and that's Lucy.They are twins. There is much _____here in January.It____a lot ever day.Look,it is____.And it will be____tomorrow.里面填rain,用它的适当形式填空, whose hairs are longer,yours or mine?这句话对吗 行列式.线性代数两题选择题,耐心点的, 线性代数大神进!一百分献上. At last,the boy passed the exam by working hard同义句转换 线性代数题 ..线性代数题 I passed my English exam at last 的同义句是什么?(急!) 汤姆找了一个借口____装病逃学,被姨妈识破后就不痛了.汤姆牙疼,姨妈用____帮汤姆拔掉了松动的牙 I lovo you that not as a pieasure but as my own being