
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 07:46:55
She loves exercise.She often does some r----(填空)in the morning? 6x=10 he often does some ----------(read)in the evening 根据所给单词的适当形式填空 用括号里的单词的适当形式填空 my father often does some () (read) on the weekends 如果关于x的不等式6x10+x的解集相同,求a的值 已知集合A={x||x+2|≥5},B={x|-x^2+6x-5>0},A∪B= 差压变送器是如何传递差压信号的? 45÷2x=15的方程怎么写,怎么验算? 谁能解这个方程 现在正在写 (20-2x)(12-2x)=203.04 2x+4.5×3=14.5 解方程并验算..女生人数有20人,比男生少3分之1.用方程解答.. 已知cos(a+b)=1/3,cos(a-b)=1/2,则log根号5(tana·tanb)=?已知cos(a+b)=1/3,cos(a-b)=1/2,则log根号5(tana·tanb)小生愚笨 希望诸位大师指点. some of the boys want to be football _______(play) 新概念同步课文练习1中的Some of the boys want to be an engineer 答案是Some of the boys want to be an engineer.我觉得是Some of the boys want to be engineers.那一个正确啊, Whaat are you going to do after school?I want to buy some()for my brother.A.Chinese book B.story books C.English book 《生物学基础》教案怎么写包括动物与植物(动物概述、植物概述),分子生物学(核酸、染色体与基因、转录与反转录、蛋白质的合成与代谢、糖代谢、脂代谢),微生物(概述、微生物的 已知|x+5y-8|+(2x+4)^2=0(1)列出符合题意的方程组(2)若x y同时满足5x-ky=0,求k的值两题都要答,谢 已知log的底数3(根号x)=2,则x= He does some reading in the morning改成一般疑问句 3次根号下(-27)^2+(1/2)^-2+log的底数0.5(8)+lg100+[(根号下0.5)-1)]^0 He usually does sports in the afternoon怎样改一般疑问句 He usually does sports in the afternoon改为一般疑问句 如何用STCC3300差压变送器测量锅炉水位? your brother( )some cds from the library on friday ,doesn't he 一个高中生物概念血浆是血液的一部分,是血液的组织液,“是血细胞的直接外环境”,属于体内环境的组成成分.这是王后雄生物必修三上第一节关于血浆的内容,可是里面又有提起“血细胞的 2倍根号3 x 3次根号1.5 x 12的6分之1次方= 为什么说原核生物不能进行有丝分裂? 如果一个表面残基的MASA (残基在单体中的可及表面积)与CASA(残基在复合体中的可及表面积)的差值大于1A(上标一圆),则定义为界面残基,否则定义为非界面残基.请问1A(上标一圆)是指什么 已知x+y-5≥0,x+y-10≤0.x^2+y^2为什么有最大值? y=(x-50)*[10^5/(x-40)^2],y的最大值怎么求呀?这道题是关于“算术平均数与几何平均数”的题,所以我觉得应该用这类方法来算`` Mary does some (shop)on weekends Mary does some (shop) withMary does some (shop) with her friends an Sunday 用所给词适当形式填空.Mary does some ___(shop) on Sunda用所给词适当形式填空.Mary does some ___(shop) on Sundays.