
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 11:57:41
英语的一题连词成句和几题填空题连词成句1.he out when he of arrived the breath at top of hill was the用适当的介词或副词填空1.Canyou pick me_in a car this afternoon?2.The boy was_naughty that his mother got angry with him.3 英语填空题、连词成句.选择填空.( )1.This is Mr Black.Can I speak____Tom?A.to B.for C.in( )2.He′s weiting a letter.Please hold ____.A.in B.on C.off( )3.Mom,there is a call____you.A.to B.by C.for( 英语连词填空题the clouds are gathering.it looks__it is going to rain.help __to __fish thanks 英语填空题和连词成句 数学函数,解答过程步骤完整已知二次函数y=-2分之1x平方-x+4(1)用配方法化成y=a(x-h)平方+k(a≠0)的形式(2)指出函数图象的开口方向,求出顶点坐标和对称轴(3)求出函数图象与坐标轴的交点 英语的填空题和连词成句 2.函数f(x)=4x2-mx+5在区间〔-2,+∞〕上是增函数,在区间(-∞,-2)上是减函数,则f(1)等于 ( )A.-7 B.1 C.17 D.25咋做类 下列条件不可以判定两个直角三角形全等的是A.两条直角边对应相等B.有两个锐角对应相等C.一条直角边和一条斜边对应相等D.一条斜边和一个锐角对应相等 第一个lim(2x平方-x+5)x趋向于4. 已知f(x)=2sin(2x+π/6) 函数y=f(x+fai)(0 1.Anyone ______this opinion may spesk out.A,that against B.which is against C.that is against D.who against正确答案是C2.They found the house _____last night and something valuable _____.A.broken into ,being stolenB.broken into ,stolenC.broken in 1.Mr.Wang spent the weekend in the country as he ____to the office on Sunday.A.needn't have gone B.mustn'tC.mayn't to go D.didn't have to ge2.I don't see any point ___the question any further.A.to discuss B.in discussing C.of disscussing D.discussed 若函数f(x)=1/3x3-f'(-1)x2+x+5,则f'(1)= 1.He was a much older tennis player but he had the great ____of experience.A.interest B.benefit C.profit D.advantage正确答案是D2."What's your opinion of our teacher's new painting?""It would seem to me that it's _____his usual standard."A.beyond Jim,put away your socks.Put away them.这个句子对吗?要是错了怎么改啊? Your socks are _____ the desk.Put them away.You must look _______ your things. 特殊疑问句where的用法如果这句话只有v.,那么应该怎么变.如:he walks (near the river)提问 every evening.(his) mother is drying a plate. 老山界课后习题答案要书上的 老山界 课后练习语文书80页的课后练习 where are可以写成where’re 英语翻译今天,我们生活在当技术进步突飞猛进的每一天、 每个月的时间.计算机在社会中发挥日益重要的作用.人们的生活理不开电脑,所以我认为是电脑改变的世界.在电脑没有被发明的时候, 老山界课后习题答案 要所有的! 七年级上语文《老山界》课后练习满天都是星光,火把也亮起来了.从山脚向上望,只见火把排成许多"之"字形,一直连到天上,跟星光接起来,分不出是火把还是星星.这真是我生平没见过的.大家都 老山界习题阅读“我们”与瑶民将往的部分1.瑶民家的男人“照着习惯”躲了起来,有这种习惯的原因是?2.瑶民打扫听了我们的话后,“拿出仅有的一点米”,剧中“仅有的一点”的表达作用是? ”耳朵里有不可琢磨的声响,极远的又是极近的,极洪大的又是极细切的.”把这句话中的”又是”改为”还是”,行不行?为什么?说说你的理解. 听写素材选VOA慢速好还是常速好?如题 VOA常速新闻英语怎么听写?我已经听写常速一段时间了,我都是按暂停一个词一个词地反复听,直到听出来为止的,我觉得虽然反复听写出后,到最后我并不了解这段新闻在讲什么.马上要专四了,我 听写了一周voa常速 有些疑问 本人听写voa慢速觉得基本没啥问题了,一周前改听写voa常速,有以下几个问题,望好心人帮个忙,1.地名 人名 影响了听写的连贯性.加上说的又快,有时候很容易和别的 亚历山大和上海为什么不是同一个气候 where引导的是陈述句还是疑问句我感谢大家 where引导的疑问句解惑为什么where are you from?要加介词from,where have you gone?不加介词to,变成where have you gone to? 写的乱 请见谅(初二下学期物理浮力)