
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/10 21:52:55
She told me ever since then she ____in that small town,enjoying a quiet life.为什么填had been living急求解释, I forget__Ken gave me that letter and told me not to make it lost. 对于一个为达目的,不择手段的人,你们是怎么看的? Je t'aime / Je t'adore 为什么有的人为了达到目的会不择手段,目的达到却很难过? 为什么现在的人那么自私呢?为什么可以为了达到目的不择手段呢? male-bashing是什么意思啊? Have you been up to anything resently? Have you been to the bank?开头是这个的一片英语励志短文,求翻译,词典靠边 Je t'aime,Je t'adore怎么念,用汉语直译过来. Out of one hundred runners,he finished the race in ___________ place填 ninety-ninth怎么翻译?out of 怎么翻译 Kate was in the 200-meter race.(改为同义句) If you were running a race,and you passed the person in the 2nd place.What place would you be in? Kate won the _____ race in the summer sports meeting.A 100-metre B100-metres C 100 metre 100 meter's 能帮我解释下为什么选A嘛? 谢谢 “能有这次机会真是太好了”用it's great that怎么说 it is ___that he's a great inventor.A say B said C saying D to say 《神童李政道》阅读答案 求matlab高手: 在用matlab画拟合曲线时,如何将坐标轴中的1变成1.0啊?发文章的时候编辑要求精确度一样啊.我找了好久找不到啊.就像图中那样.我要把1变成1.0.高手帮帮我吧 用matlab画三维坐标图,有X轴,Y轴,Z轴上的速度的数据,怎么画出带有另一个时间坐标轴的三维坐标图呢?比如下面的这些数据:-0.52\x090.07\x09-0.05 08:09:41-0.42 0.10 -0.03 08:14:38-0.51 0.03 -0.02 08:19:31-0.48 0. 李政道的介绍 李政道的“生活方式” .1.用一句话概括李政道的生活方式 2.他的口头禅是什么 他是这样做的吗3.李政道的生活方式给我们的启示主要有那几个方面? 4.科学家朱光亚、周光召先生对李政道 为什么很多人为了钱不择手段 求问为什么很多人为了钱不择手段 钱是不是比朋友之间的友谊更好呢?为了钱是不是什么都可以出卖啊! the __________{begin}of the movie is very exciting.完形填空 Spiderman III is ____ exciting movie横线的不定冠词应该是a还是an啊? what i disagree is that everyone should be equal这句话对吗?请说明为什么. It’s really sunny today,________?A.doesn’t it B.hasn’t it C.isn’t it D.wasn’t it10.It’s really sunny today,________?A.doesn’t it B.hasn’t it C.isn’t it D.wasn’t it which city do you _______?A.liveB.live inWHY? what city do you come from 还是which city 是说what city do you come from 还是which city do you come from? which city you from makes no difference.还是 which city you are from……which city are you from…… 用适当介词填空1、maria played a new role什么 the movie2、do you often show your love 什么 your mother3、I don't know the name 什么 the movie4、the news is 什么 Chinese culture