
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 01:33:46
六级三点考到几点 六级什么时候考 The children cheered up when they saw hundreds of colorful ballons _______ slowly into the sky.A) floating B) raising C) heaving D) ascending For many patients,institutional care is the most _______ and beneficial form of care.A) persistent B) approp 英语两道选择题求选择的理由就是写过的答案的两道题 要选择理由There isn’t_______in the fridge.Would you please go to buy some?A.enough milk B.milk enough C.enough eggs D.eggs enoughYou are so kind that I will________forget your kindness to meA.never B.ever C.sometimes D.always. 英语翻译儒家学说,亦称儒学,起源于春秋战国时期,和“道家”、“墨家”“法家”“阴阳家”等诸子百家之一,汉朝汉武帝时期起,成为中国社会的正统思想,如果从孔子算起,绵延至 英语翻译花儿含苞待放,树枝新生枝芽,鸟儿欢快歌唱…悠悠春风,阳光从树叶中洒下,温暖心窝.百花齐放,满眼是春天.漫步樱花树下,亲身感受这沉浸花海中的幸福.每朵花散发独特的芳香,带来希 我应该怎么说呢?怎么翻译成英语 英语翻译请问一个货柜可以装25吨以上吗?50元美金一吨是不是到越南海防的价格? 英语翻译恋人之间的对话,选那个呢 怎么才能考过英语六级?之前考过六级,才三百多,高中英语基础不错,大学里也没怎么好好学过,那时候考四级勉强过了,但是现在长时间不看,感觉越来越不行了,像词汇、语法、语感都退步了很 怎样才能考好六级 怎么才能将六级考过 怎样考过六级? 如何快速考过六级呢?一直学英语,不得法,很是烦恼. 两道英语选择题需要解释一下1.The rain stopped us _______ sports meeting. A. have B. having C. To have D. Has 答案是B.2.I shall never forget _______ the letter for me. A. seeing B. To see C. Seen D.see 答案 Are you familiar _____ the MP4 player they use?Sorry,I am not.It is not familiar;withB.with;withC.with;toD.about;withI'd like to buy my mother a birthday present,____that is cheap and useful.A.itB.the oneC.oneD.which 两道英语选择题及解释police are appealing to any driver who may ______ the terrible one_car accident.A;have witnesseed B; had witnessed Cultural values may be defined as assumptions ___ is right or wrong shared by the members of a society.A,about whichever B,concerning whatever C,on which D,as to what 我选了B,参考答案是D.请您给我说说,B为什么错了,又为什么选择D 1、I have two big eyes.I see ______ my eyes.A.has C.on D.for2、-Are you a student or a doctor?-______.A.Yes,I'm a student B.No,I'm not adoctor C.I'm a doctor D.Yes,I'm not a doctor 自我控制能力 用英语怎么说? 他也会讲英语翻译 一道简单的英语翻译我已经给你做饭了.I've already _____ ______ ____you 英语翻译pigeons are carring the messages,so there are no mistakes. 六级几点考到几点 一道简单的英汉互译英汉互译对……有意义_____这题我已经知道写了, 英语翻译我妈妈昨天从自行车上摔下来,脚受伤了. 英语翻译I enjoyed it ,too.enjoyed it 怎么连读? 麻烦详解下You may leave the table _____ you have finshed eating.A.beforeB.ifC.whileD.where答案给的是B项,请问下C不正确么?为什么? 英语翻译请问:"Welcome on 如有更详细例子请举出来, 什么时候考英语六级? 今年英语六级什么时候考