
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 05:49:54
Durchzahlreichen Fabeln und Dialoge diesesRomans analysiert diese Arbeit den Charakterzug und die Menschlichkeit des Außerseiters,um die Ursachenachzuforschen,wo den Grund in jener Zeit für die Melancholie des Außerseitersliegt.Was ist dam 请教大家看看我这篇德语文章的语法错误UniversitätKonstanz,Deutschlandist Deutschland der führende umfassende Universitäten.Ich war in der Lage zu lernen,ehrte die Universität Konstanz,in derHoffnung zu erfahren,wo fort certainly和here发音相同么 here you are 发音时here 有 额 的音吗 what,here发音是否相同 我很浮躁该怎么办? lots of,square,dancing,misses,sometime.some people are playing on the 什么(选一个单词) lots of,square,dancing,misses,sometime.this afternoon ,she has 什么 class at 3:30选一个,lots of,square,dancing,misses,sometime In summer,there are lots of b_ dancing in the flowers square dancing是什么意思?我想知道这个代表什么样的舞蹈`然后其他各种舞蹈用英语怎么说`?比如:交谊舞`街舞`现代舞`芭蕾等等尽量多点舞种 有一个发音类似sir ken ci的英语单词,请问可能是什么? 有一个发音类似 si bang sir 的英语单词,请问可能是什么? You have a basket of eleven eggs.If you take four eggs from thebasket,how many eggs would you have? --has jack finished his homework yet?--i've no idea,but he___it this morning A.was doingB.had been doing C.has done D.did 下面这段文字,有多处错误,请按要求修改.在我们家里,我的军旗技术仅在爸爸之下.1、没想到这几天竟然让弟弟杀了个 体无完肤,鬼知道他用了什么战术.本来这也算不了什么,胜负乃兵家常事嘛 下面这则广告表达有三处错误,请修改出来A美国一个动物园的入口处陈列着一面大镜子.B请照一下镜子,从中会看到地球上最富有创造力,正在毁灭自己本身所不能创造的河流、森林、野兽和鸟 【语文】在下列文字中,有几处错误,请按要求找出并修改.A.包括微生物病原,植物,动物在内的异地生物进入而对生态环境造成危害的现象被称为“生物入浸”.B.它已成为当今世界危害最为严重 They usually go on the Internet.(对 go on the Internet提问) — ()()they usually( 1.She is catching insects in the park.(用sometimes来改写)Sometimes she ( )insects in the park.2.He came here [by bike]this morning.(对括号部分提问)( )( )he( )here this morning? Does he need CDs they改写 Does he need CDs?用they改写 英语翻译Thank you for the mail,you see the doctors here in the hospital told me that they have been using Chinese Natural Medicine to treat me which has helped me so much,because of that I have decided to give my money to help China people and no 写一个发生在你和你父母或其他家人的故事 作文《关爱》写一件亲人关爱自己的难忘事情 十处错误用英文怎么说 The neck of the (giraffe) is very long括号里的giraffe 需要加S吗?需要复数吗? The giraffe's long neck is for getting leaves from the tall trees.根据画线部分提问for getting leaves from the tall trees画线部分 Well and will的区别是什么,必采 where well wear will 这几个发音区别不大,怎么掌握?这几个单词发音都很相近,但确实又不一样.怎么掌握这几个音? 英语The teacher gave his student the suggestion _.A.he would not be obsessed in computers any longerB.that he not be obsessed with computers any longerC.he should not be obsessed in comptuers any longerD.which he should not be obsessed in computers 你的同学们正在做什么?英语翻译? You may go fishing if your work ___.A.is done B.will be done C.has done D.have done急,