
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/10 15:28:31
The relationship between the two is developing as nomally as_it used to be,空格处为什么不是that during the break between classes=________between classes 带有分号的句子,不是排比句那种 带有分号的句子,不是排比句那种复制的别回答! 以亲情为话题写一组排比句,用上分号. 树前枝下落花满地,我会用诗句-------------------来吟咏它. 古往今来,吟咏花草树木的诗句很多,请你写出两句来.最少两首 关于树木的古诗最好是描写对树木的尊敬.感叹树木.的那种诗.(希望回答者删选一下,3Q)=v= 写几句吟咏花草树木的句子 爱是一盏灯,黑暗中照亮前行的路,爱是一首诗,寒冷中温暖冻僵的心还有什么 英语中be,do,have如何应用啊?特别是在什么情况下用do? 英语翻译consensus达成共识consensus的“达成”为什么是“applies”apply不是“应用,提出”的意思吗? 翻译并解释consensus leadership应该怎样翻译成中文啊? 英语翻译crush leadership 和 provide leadership怎么翻译呢? 英语翻译 造排比句 友谊是( )友谊是( )友谊是( ) 以友情为主题的排比句,并用上分号的句子怎么写?急 The impression that she makes on me is that she is friendly.请问make on有这个词组吗? 用“用”字造一个排比句(要用分号)时间:在今天和明天完成 以友情为主题的排比句,并用上分号的句子怎么写? 5.What is implied but not stated by the author is that _______.A.breakfast does not affect work B.Dr Polite works at an institution of higher learningC.not eating breakfast might affect the health of childrenD.Professor Bender once taught college cou Many people believe that the problems between the two countries should be dealt with_______(peace) 女童声合唱,第一句是baby I don`t know,that's why i love you so,近来HIT FM经常播,类似于舞曲, Baby,you know I miss you.求翻译 山川、树木、房屋,全都罩上了一层厚厚的学,万里江山变成了粉妆玉砌的世界.缩句RT,尽量在5分钟内回答出来! as above,so below.as within,so without这是个古典谚语.希望能够得到它的出处,意思和作者的名字hope to get more detailed explanation 英语翻译The graphs above reveal that as the number of Japanese tourists traveling abroad has grown,so has Australia's share of the Japanese tourists market.想知道“as……so”的用法, we all _____(agree) that we should hold another meeting.用单词适当形式填空,2.让我们今天找人把这项工作做完吧 Let's get the work done today.(找人体现在哪里,或者为什么这么翻译的原因) I agree to his suggestion__the condition that he drops all charges.A.by B.in C.for D.to求详解,谢蛤~ I agree to his suggestion on the condition that he drops all charges.翻译 just wanted to let you know that I LOVE YOU我对英语一点都不懂请大家告诉我谢谢了