
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 11:50:11
1.一根长方体木料,长2米,它的横截面积是0.23平方米.它的体积是多少立方米?2.把一个正方体切成两个完全一样的长方体,表面积增加了18平方厘米.这个正方体的体积是多少? 冰心的《繁星春水》里的第五十四节的赏析.内容是:我的朋友!起来罢 晨光来了 要洗你的隔夜的灵魂.求简明易懂,符合题意的赏析.还有这四节:六二最沉默的一刹那顷 是提笔之后 下笔之前 女朋友对我说“距离产生美”是什么意思?女朋友不给我吻她,还说距离产生美, 如何理解“距离才能产生美”? 什么叫做距离产生美? 距离产生美 这句话对吗? 英语翻译Because the high seriousness of their narratives resulted in part from their metaphysics ,Southern writers were praised for their discursive bent. 英语翻译What devices that were used to keep us safely within our boundaries are we hanging on to that prevents us from advancing?第二个that怎么理解,这里体现what什么用法? 英语翻译Where any people have made a temporary approach to such a character ,it has been because the dread of heterodox speculation was for a time suspended. 冰心繁星第35首的赏析 英语翻译Darwin,the first to challenge the belief that God created the world with his theory of evolution,was the fifth of six children,Most of his opponents were firstborns. 英语翻译1.They pointed out the damage which they supposed had been done by last night’s hurricane.2.Is there any possibility of the film being tried out in Paris International Festival?Not in the least ,because audience generally think little o 英语翻译In one view,the relative ability or impact of the facial nonverbals may reach 55 percent and the vocal nonverbals 38 percent.1,'nonverbal'不是形容词么?怎麼可以加's' 2,'and' 的后面为什麽是' the vocal nonverbals' 直接跟 英语翻译The usual arguments against such a plan are that it is inefficient and costly.反对美国医疗体系的人经常会说它效率低而且费用高.There may be waits for those not needing immediate surgeries.那些不需要马上接受 (非常简单.只是不想算了)五分之二 =二十分之( ) =( )之二十四四十九分之十四= 七分之( ) =( )之十六四分之三 = ( )之十五 = 五十六分之( )六十分之八=( )分之二 =七十五分 为什么南京英语翻译为NANKING,北京是BEIJING? 算了半天还是和答案不一样.一个底面直径为30cm圆柱体,往里面倒水,水高8cm。然后将水倒入另一个地面直径为10cm的圆柱体里,这时水高多少? 1.甲、乙两仓库共有货物1000吨,如果从甲仓库调50吨货物到乙仓库,那么甲、乙仓库的货物同样多.问原来两仓库各存货物多少吨?2.甲、乙两只盒子里共有15个面包,如果甲盒中放入4只面包,乙盒中 双曲线x^2-y^2=1的两个焦点为F1,F2,点P在双曲线上,若PF1⊥PF2,则点P到x轴的距离为? 这个数学题我的答案和卷子的答案不一样,若分式方程 7+a/x-4=3-x/4-x无增根,则a=________我做的答案是a不等于25/24,答案是a不等于1,我总觉得我做的是对的, 英语翻译这句话,要怎么译啊,我实在调不过来了,最好帮我分析一下句子结构!The turn towards non-academic presidents underscores the financial concerns that often face smaller,less well-known liberal arts colleges我的译法, 有几句话,不知道怎么翻译成英文,可以帮下忙吗?工作时间是什么时候?一个月有几天休息?月薪是多少?有谁可以帮下忙,翻译一下吗? 英语翻译When the electrode slipping device and the oil hydraulic lifting cylinder are docked after completing hydraulic piping,...electrode slipping device 电极压放装置oil dydraulic lifting cylinder 液压提升缸主要在于are docked不 【英语数学题】很诡异的sat代数题,算的结果和答案不一致The first of three number is 3 times the second number.The third number is 30 more than the second number.If the third number is represented by t and the sum of the first and 帮忙翻译一哈英文句子公园里种满了更多的树和草,人们积极改善我们的环境,运动保持健康. - =分不算高额人教版课课练上的- -1、负数a与它的相反数的差的绝对值是()2、若三个不相等的有理数的代数和为0,则下面结论正确的是()A、三个加数全为0.B、至少有两个加数是负数.C、 2/3+2/15+2/35+2/63+2/99=? 挺难,不用全算,找自己会的.多项式5x²-4xy+4y²+12x+25的最小值是多少?满足x²-y²=2(y+4)的整数解(x,y)是?设a,b,c是不完全相等的三个数,而且x=a²-bc,y=b²-ca,z=c²-ab,则x,y,z满足 有谁会?算是容易的就是我数学比较烂不会做.1.若x y都是有理数,且|x-1|+|y-2x|=0 试求x+2y的值.2.已知(a-2)的平方与|b+3|互为相反数,求(a+b)的2005次方+b的a次方的值.3.老王到银行存一笔钱存期一 七年级数学题(生活中的数据)人体内一种细胞的直径为4.3微米,用科学记数法表示这种细胞的直径为________米. 1.一个四位数,低位上的两个数字组成的两位数是最高位上的两个数字组成的两位数的2倍,若将低位的两个数字组成的两位数与高位上的两个数字组成的两位数对调,则所得的新四位数比原四位 英语翻译Then I stared to write my own original sentences using the grammar I was learning.不要用翻译网站死搬硬套~