
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 13:48:50
Mike and water__healthy drinks A have B is C are D has 选哪个 远人不服,则修文德以来之 英语怎么说 I like the sunrise,I like the sunflower翻译中文什么意思 sunflower译汉是什么字 远人不服、修文德以来之、今护宜以恩诏降乎,不宜以兵戈取也、翻译、急求呀、、、、1、远人不服、修文德以来之、今护宜以恩诏降乎,不宜以兵戈取也2、以六州之地、岂无智识人一人哉、 Cross the street and you can see a post office.(改为同义句) If you want to arrive at the post office,you should cross the street.(保持原句意思)If you want to________ the post office,you should________ __________the street. All you do is walk up and down the street.怎么分析这句话里的语法成分.为什么有两个动词is 和walk “修文德以来之,既来之,则安之”出自哪里?全文说下 Now that you've got a chance ,you__________ as well make full ues of it.A.can B.should C.need D.maigt 选什么? 烟台的海边日出真是一幅美妙动人的图画__________________________________________________________.根据课文内容填空. 烟台的海是一幅怎样的画/ 烟台的海课文中,有一幅幅动人的画面是什么快,快.烟台的海是一幅画,是__是__世世代代的烟台人在这里__在这幅壮阔的画卷上有一幅幅动人的画面:__,__,__ 用“努”组词,不过该字的位置在最后 单选Van Gogh succeeded in selling only one painting in his lifetimeVan Gogh succeeded in selling only one painting in his lifetime,and_____was sold to his brother.A.another B.that C.one D.which答案是C还是D?有区别吗应该是B,D的区别 during his lifetime 与 in his lifetime有什么区别 Van Gogh succeed in selling only one painting in his lifetime,and ____was sold to his brother.A.it B.that C.one D.which 表示同一事物用it为什莫用that啊 将夏天..冬天烟台的海比作一个人如:春天烟台的海就像个顽皮的孩子,夏天烟台的海宛如什么,冬天仿佛什么 冬天烟台的海仿佛是———— (要比做人) 西域正式归入西汉版图是年 西域正式归入西汉版图是 年kuai He felt that he didn't deserve ——such a great honor横线处为什么不用giving用“to be given” he felt that he didn't deserve to be given such an honor,把 to be given 改成giving可以吗?因为deserve 后接doing 是主动形式表示被动意义,如果不行,为什么呢? 在pp上发现有类似蚂蚁要的痕迹,三处,担心蚂蚁钻到身体里怎么办.原因:前两天上学时发现桌度里有好几只蚂蚁还爬的很快,不过都被我打死了,但地上还有好几只,我怕它跑到凳子上,转到而我 用i so news am exvitsd hear good to the造句 Entering the reading room,I found Mary ___at a desk,her attention ____on a magazine..A seated;fixing B seat;fixed c seated;fixed D sent;fixing详细解答 关于病梅馆记中的介词结构后置其中有一句“悉埋于地”,老师说是介词结构后置,应变为“悉于地埋”.我能理解介词结构后置,但就算是现在,我们也说都埋在地上,而不说都在地上埋,这是怎么 In the reading room,we found her __at the desk,with her attention __on a book.A.sitting;concentrated B.seated;concentrated 1.每船8人余4人,每船9人余一船,人()位,船()只.2.鸡兔同笼,共32头,102只脚,鸡()只,兔()只.3.钟敲5下,用8秒,敲12下,用()秒.4.一个圆环,它的外圆直径是内圆直径的2倍,圆环面积().5.a和 谁能帮我解决这个填空安静 清静 恬静 幽静在一个【 】的夜晚,一个小姑娘坐在一间【 】的小屋里,【 】的月光透过窗子照进来,照在小姑娘【 】的脸上. 填空:解除( ) 全等三角形的条件(三)如图,BD垂直DE,CE垂直DE,点A在DE上,AB垂直AC于点A,AB=AC,请说明BD=AE的理由.