
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 13:31:46
什么英文单词和“月”同音? 用词的适当形式填空:Can you( use )a computer?yse,I can(use) it (look)for things on the internet and (chat) with my friends look things on the Internet的意思 Daniel loves_______(look) for things on the Internet 为什么中国现在这么多地震为什么中国现在处于地震高发期叻 、 90英语翻译 一段路,甲车要10分钟驶完全程,乙车要12分钟驶完全程,甲车的速度是乙车的( )%急用!要分析. 一段路甲车要10分钟行完全程,乙车要12分钟行完全程,甲车时间是乙车的百分之多少 甲车和乙车从AB两地相对开出,甲车10小时行完全程,乙车的速度是甲车的125%.如果甲乙两车同时出发,几小时相遇? 秦始皇巩固统一的措施及作用 行一段路,甲需要10分钟,乙车要12分钟,甲乙每分钟所行的路程之比( )甲乙过桥的速度比是 if you want to know further information about men's health.3848 I want to know some information about retailing industry in englishIt include 1.what kind of industry is it?2.what ability should People have when working in retailing industy 3.what should we improve or pay attention when working in this area?TKS 国内今年哪几个地方地震了?说具体点哦,是不是谁谁谁又预测到了? i want to know where i can find information about 十三朝古都 (xian). 甲乙两人同时从两地相向而行,甲乙每分行80米,5分钟后两人相距140米,乙走完全程要11分钟,甲乙两人同时从两地相向而行,甲每分行80米,5分钟后两人相距140米,乙走完全程要11分钟, 甲乙两人同时从两地相向而行,甲每小时行80千米,5分钟后还相距140米.乙行完全程用11分钟, 甲乙两人同时从两地相对而行,甲每分钟80米,五分钟后两人还相距140米.乙走完全程要11分钟.求乙的速度. 86到90英语 ·至真至情是什么意思? 86~94英语选择 英语答案,从86开始做 有真情吗?>真情是什么> 求同音不同意的英文单词,比如说see,sea; too,two,to; no,know; wear,where; be,bee.给出20组立刻给分.krieggott能把各个单词的意思注明么? 英语86地方在我的椅子底下怎么写 there are known knowns ;there are things we know we know .We also know there are known unknows ;that is to say we know there are some things we do not know .But there are also unknown unknowns — the ones we don't know we don't know句子成分分 lingo中数据段怎么表示? There may be life on Mars.We know m_____ about Mars than about any other planet.But astronauts arestill g_____ about many things.For wxample,we think that on Mars there may be change of weathwe d_____ the year.Our own weather changes f_____ winter to Now we know there are no __things on the moon.请问空内填什么?A.alive D.lived请帮解释一下几个词的区别 真心和真情是什么意思 地震产生的原因是什么?为什么中国那么多地震啊 为什么那么多的地震啊