
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:46:05
I shall certainly not tell him the news. ________, it will go to his ears sooner or later.A. Besides               B. Moreover           C. 求:she has got a sister 同义词是什么如题 I couldn't buy that house.It was_______ expensive.A.too B.very C.enough He is so rich that he can afford to buy a house in the center of the city一次一格,保持愿意地改为) He is ( )( )( )buy a house in the center of the city.原意一词一空 英语口译翻译需要学些什么 我要请一位英语口译翻译,请问现在收费是多少? 英语翻译1,口译都有什么等级,分别考什么?怎么有的写中级高级,有的就一级二级三级?2,听说有个翻译证,这个翻译证是不是就是考口译,他们俩有什么区别?3,不是特别高的口译证有什么用处吗? speak的同义词 Speak move eat 三个的同义词Speak 同义词有 talk say 还有吗 越多越好moveeat 反义疑问句i have two apples,i have finish my homework分别是什么 you want to marry a rich 嫁个有钱人 MARRY A RICH MAN怎么样 it means the man that a woman has agreed to marry.中that 是什么用法 what happens Somebody That I Used To Know 欢乐合唱团mp3 what amazing happens speak 与talk的区别Li Lei met Li Ping on his way home,but he didn't _______ to him because he was ______ to his politic; talking,teling C.speak,talking D.say,saying应选哪个,请说出原因. jane is on vacation in sanya now同义句把同义句都写出来 小巷深处》母亲 是个怎么样的人? Something Happens的《What Now》 歌词 This is the first day of winter vacation,I slept a Lanjue.Up,after a moment on the network.Late谁能帮我翻译! what sth was happens是什么意思what sth was happen? 请问“Just because.”怎么翻译? Speak和talk的区别?有一篇课文,第一句是Nice to speak to you.第二句是but I can't talk you,now他们的意思是什么,为什么同样是“说”的意思,可为什么不用一样的!他们这样做有什么用!第一句书上意思是 speak与talk区别 我会好好照顾自己的英文怎么说 使用括号中词的适当形式填空Mike is_____ child in the family.(old) Alan is the o_______ child in his family. 语法练习:After a day's work,all.Sentence:After a day's work,all of the workers became tired and wanted very much to have a rest.very much 后面为什么要加 to 去掉可不可以? "No matter what, we will support you"有语法错误没?T_T语法障碍请高人指点...Thank you very much She is fainted .Throw some water on her face and she may___.come backcome tocome cutcome down答案选come to ,我觉得是选come back i have short hair.否定句tom is my good friend?对划线部分提问,划线部分:tom