
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:42:15
为什么要用不定式?When you don't know a word,the best way is to look it up in a dictionary.这里the best way is 后面为什么要用to? 1.He was a very good______,he_____very fast those years.And he is still very good at______.(run)2.Bob was a_______ten years ago.He worked happily on that_____(farm).3.Please tell me who was the ______and who was the last to go into the office yesterd 双宾语的动词有那些?貌似很少?为什么只有这些?怎么判断 -----"My father has bought a new car." -----"___?" -----"It's blue and beautiful."A what do you like?B what's it like?C how is it like?D how do you think of it? want to buy wants buy wants to buy的区别 Jim's mother wants to buy __ __ __ (一双) shoes for Jim的英语翻译 陕西师范大学托福考点和西安外国语大学托福考点 哪个隔音好? 新东方2006年BEC中级精华班网络教程,哪里有下载如题?BT和迅雷均可. lucy wants to buy a bike 改为哦反义疑问句 My father made a kite last week (就画线部分填空)made a kite为划线部分 My father_______(paint) the house last week 初一句型转换(一线一词)1.Maybe he won't go to New York tomorrow.He ___ ___go to New York tomorrow.2.You should practise your spoken English more.Your spoken English___ ___ ___3.He is thoughtful man.He thinks___. 某架飞机最多能在空中飞行6小时,他出发和返回时的速度分别为一千米\时 八百米|时 这架飞机飞多少千米返 某架飞机最多能在空中飞行6小时,他出发和返回时的速度分别为一千米\时 八百米|时 这架飞机飞多少千米返回 Dick wants to buy some things on Sunday改同句Dick___like___ ____ ____on Sunday快 ⊙﹏⊙b→30分钟后关← he wants me to work e___ on sunday.l'm so tired.首字母填空要求:填空,并给予说明 Mark often attempts to escape ___ whenever he breaks traffic regulations.A.having been fined B.to be fined C.to have been fined D.being fined USA的全称是什么? 说具体美国的全称 美国全称是什么 美国的全称是甚么 美国的全称是什么? As is often the case和A case in point is As the case is often和As it often the case As is it 和As it is 有什么区别? as is often the He is absent,( )is often the case A.which B.as一定告诉我为什么, 氯乙酰二茂铁是什么颜色怎么有的说是红棕色,有的说是紫色。 乙酰化二茂铁的标准红外光谱 乙酰二茂铁是非极性还是极性的? 有机合成与光谱分析问题,乙酰二茂铁的我制备的乙酰二茂铁红外光谱在2900左右有一个强峰.很窄.我查了标准图谱,没有这个峰.其余各峰位置,强度基本一致.唯有这个峰很奇怪.强度与羰基峰差 我想知道西班牙语中的d t p b等清浊辅音的区别,声带震不震动好复杂 maya中的mel脚本是什么意思?不要论文看的介绍有600个命令和几十个函数不懂啊